The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform


I appreciate the honesty that it’s about whether or not Graham is gay and not about hypocrisy. I don’t know that shows homophobes will switch party allegiance over it though.

I don’t think they’ll switch party. Some just might not vote for him. Overall, I think my take is that some small number of people who would otherwise vote for Graham would withhold their vote because of homosexuality. ~ None would withhold it because of hypocrisy. But many people who supported the outing would tell themselves he lost the votes because of hypocrisy so that they could sleep better at night.

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Yeah, if you guys think Republicans will give a rip about Lindsey being a hypocrite, idk what to say.

Nobody thinks that.

Here’s how it goes. If the rumor is true

  1. Dems attack Lindsey for being a hypocrite. This reveals that he is gay.
  2. Repubs don’t care about the hypocrisy, but upon learning that Lindsey is gay, some will not vote for him.

Now the dilemma is that a thinking Dem will know that is how their hypocrisy argument will be received. Does that mean they shouldn’t make it?

Oh dear…

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It’s not even either of those two. It is potentially limiting the ability of a powerful homophobic senator from continuing to actively do damage to LGBT issues.

So Trump’s ticker tape parade for himself was perhaps premature.

The special note said that if this “misclassification error” had not occurred, the “overall unemployment rate would have been about 3 percentage points higher than reported,” meaning the unemployment rate would be about 16.3 percent for May.

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Bolded above is why they would attack him on this. Step 1 that I listed is how they would attack him. Step 2 is how Republicans voters would react.

Its a real shame this hit on a Friday night so we can’t see how the dow futures are affected by it until Sunday

“Hey, let’s make Donald Trump the most powerful person on earth!” thought the stupidest people ever.

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Apparently Emperor Caligula’s fourth wife was named “Milonia.”

It’s weird to me how the unraveling of the Roman republic bears no eerie similarities to modern-day America.


Yup. Just a little ole 3% swing. That’s a whole lot of bad headlines.

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Just so we’re clear, these people are 100% NOT AT ALL responsible for any coronavirus increase as they appear to be mostly, even exclusively, white.

I mean, I don’t see why you guys have your panties twisted, about 110k deaths in this country have been misattributed to a “virus” that you can’t even see just because some bigwig who founded a computer company wants to weed out the weak and create a race of supermen.

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Hearted this post because I misread the guy’s name as Larry Hitman.


They did it in April too, apparently. Reported 14.7% and it should have been 19.7%.

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