The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

I am not sure where anyone advocated the democrats should put him.

The discussion was entirely based on if one of these escorts chose to discuss their experiences.

Regardless Lindsey has been said to be gay for a long time. Patti Lupone demands he come out once a year. It’s not happening and might likely never happen. We don’t even know if he is gay.

However lol at the people who would not capitalize on it to highlight what even a worse person it would make Graham, and it would absolutely make him a worse person.

What did Graham have to say about that? It’s been a while.

A long ass profile of him I once read concluded he was straight.

As dumb as people are, people often assume their opponents are dumber than they actually are. “Lol, Lindsay Graham was with a male prostitute” wins NOTHING. No one will care. They know what you are doing and they don’t care if he’s a hypocrite and they don’t care if he’s gay and they don’t care if he visits gay sex workers. None of them care. It just makes you look bad and insincere for no reason.

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I’m certain there is a small, but significant fraction of Graham voters who think that being gay is literally a sin and if they vote for Graham then they will go to hell.

So, even if they know what you’re doing, it doesn’t matter. The effect is the same.

Then they won’t believe it.

If so, then they didn’t really know what you were doing.

They sent a woman in Texas to prison for 5 years because she didn’t realize she wasn’t allowed to vote while on probation. But then she wasn’t white.


Electorally it really doesn’t matter what they think. They won’t believe you. And voting Dem and not for the anti-abortion candidate is a much more sure fire ticket to hell.

I don’t know what difference it makes. It’s more fodder for people who think that both sides are absolutely insincere jackasses who are just devoted to their team or craving personal power and money - but those people are right, so probably not changing anything with them either.

Cook political has it as a toss up still. I know the person that does the senate analysis, she says they don’t change ratings against incumbents until Labor Day. As it stands she will definitely be moving it unless it tightens significantly

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I’d have agreed right off the bat if you lead with that.

I don’t think it will cost him an election. I just want him to suffer.

Press really need to get after Propaganda Barbie on this at the next press conference. Of they’ll either do it fecklessly or not at all.
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So they have to throw out an entire batch of production because this dumb ■■■■ wanted a photo op


Well, are you thinking about assassinating him?

I think you’ve lost track of yourself here. You used to be doing a parody of a standard liberal. I guess that’s become boring as things have radicalized around here and you’re working on doing a parody of radicals? How does this fit with your devotion to the state? Are you supposed to be a Leninist? But then you’re into some Catholic stuff? Pro or anti Vatican II? And btw who were you on 2p2 again?


That VP nom nom :eyes:
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