The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

I didn’t think he was primarily or only thinking of legal obstacles.


I feel like in this case it is likely, if legitimate, they could find representation.

I don’t really want to live through the folding of a Lindsey graham sex scandal in public.

There is a lot of misunderstanding of sex work in this discussion.

First, there is a big difference between subsistence street level prostitution and the type of sex work Graham would be engaged in. Those sex workers are not subsistence based. They likely charge $400-$500/hour.

Second, confidentially is sacrosanct among sex workers. While I’m sure an NDA adds to it the vast majority of sex workers would never reveal a clients identify or they would never have another client.

Third, a large percentage of male escorts are not gay.

Finally, this would be a terrible way to take someone like Graham down. He is an awful human but to use his own sides bigotry against him essentially sanctions it. Do we really want to weaponize being gay or engaging in sex work, something that should be legal?


I’d weaponize kittens and ice cream if it would take down Graham.


But groping the flag is ok I guess.

I think it is just leveraging people’s ignorance. This seems pretty common with legal threats and the average person not having much experience or understanding of how the process works. It is easy to intimidate with a legal letter.

This would be a weird catch 22. If someone comes out Lindsey has to just call them a liar. If they try to pursue covering the NDA he is essentially resting up to it.

Tl;dr If your personal life requires NDAs you might be an awful person.

There is somebody in my wife’s ancestry that objected to British occupying his place and ended up dead I think. Not direct—an uncle or cousin. Supposedly is part of the reason why the 3rd amendment is there. Myth or fact I don’t know.

Surely our moral structure is more sophisticated than “the ends justify the means”. Not to mention the collateral damage to millions of LGBTQ+ people and sex workers.

Hey world you can be as awful as imaginable and it won’t matter at all but don’t dare be outed as gay or seeing a sex worker. Those are true sins worthy of punishment.

There have to be sex workers where rolling the dice by getting paid for your story is worth the risk of LG trying to enforce the NDA.


Dry humping the flag also acceptable.

They also lose their profession.

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@clovis8 is right.

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This is legitimately prosecutable, no?

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Morality is non-existent in politics. It’s why the Democrats constantly get fucked. They treat politics like it’s some kind of gentlemanly sport while the Republicans are constantly kicking them in the balls and gouging out their eyes. Al Franken quits because of a single off-color picture while a rapist and a compulsive sexual harasser are SCOTUS justices.

If the Dems can take down Lindsey Graham this way without a severe loss in support, then it should be done.


Yup, based on that info. Just need and aggressive Tampa DA. So, actually no.


The Democrats are not losing because of their failure to do enough gay bashing.


Only if you don’t care about the collateral damage to gay people and sex workers.