The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Well said.

For those interested in a pretty good documentary about the issue of outing gay politicians, check out a movie called Outrage. Lots of lols about the Larry Craig story + a ton of :fire:from Barney Frank.


What causes more damage to the LBGT community: using homophobia to oust a homophobe or Donald Trump being elected for a second term?

I’m not saying that it ought to be done regardless of the circumstances but the whole “when they go low, we go high” bullshit is part of why people hate the Democrats. Being unwilling to consider all options because some of them might be construed as offensive is why they’re the Washington Generals of politics.


The sin that’s getting punished isn’t seeing a sex worker, it’s seeing sex workers while actively making their lives harder. This is a failed IQ test.


Sure ok but nobody is going to make that distinction. And they for sure won’t about the homosexuality.

Imagine cheesing off someone so seriously that they decide to blow up their profession. I have a strong feeling they were quitting anyway and wanted to go out with a bang.

But yeah I generally think that pissing off people so badly they’re willing to suicide bomb you is something that has consequences.

The sex worker is a hero who will be punished by their occupation severely so that this doesn’t become standard practice (and even after legalization I think you strongly believe that outing clientele should not be standard practice among sex workers), and Lindsay Graham will be politically damaged. I see an example of a system that is working as well as it can within the construct of it being illegal for no good reason. Let’s be clear though I actually think the legal status of prostitution isn’t very important to this whole situation.

Haven’t you been a “beating Trump needs to be the #1 priority” guy? Let’s say that instead of Graham, this were about Trump. Would you still be taking this line if it looked like the election was close enough that this could be a difference maker?

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Al Franken didn’t quit because of a single picture.

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Lindsay Graham’s power lies in appeals to homophobes. Giving him up to them is better than regular justice it’s downright poetic. Like I don’t understand why you don’t see how this all makes it better.

They would still be homophobes if he hadn’t gotten outed. And let’s be clear, being a rich gay white man is not a social death sentence in America. It’s a social death sentence in Lindsay Graham’s crowd, and since he’s a member he gets to suffer the consequences of his membership.


He’s also a national security risk if he is engaging in behavior that allows foreign powers like Russia to blackmail him.


Yes it makes you wonder what our investigative journalists do for a living. It’s becoming very clear that our rich and powerful are getting much too comfortable up there. The press needs to go back to annoying the powerful, something they’ve basically stopped doing entirely with a small number of exceptions.

I mean, if they weren’t all fucking sex criminals themselves, Democratic mega donors would get a hell of a lot more bang for their buck bankrolling Lindsey Graham’s male sex partners than most anything else. The smart move would be to wait until about a week before the election to Roy Moore the guy after a replacement is impossible.

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100% yes. It’s not even a little analogous. Voting for someone who holds some political views you don’t like is not in the same world as trying to damage them with perceived bigotry.

The analogy would be if Trump were black should we amplify racism to out him? Of course not.

Because you are saying he should be punished for being gay. You are conceding it’s wrong and punishable.

Yeah, if the LGBQT community is going to be a key part of the Dem coalition we need to think real hard about using “LOL Linsey is gay!” as an attack.

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Of course it’s analogous. The general case is: should we do things that we think are morally wrong if the outcome is desired? That someone draws their line in the sand at a different place than you doesn’t invalidate the analogy.

I’m saying he should be punished for being a hypocrite. If his homophobic base is confused about why they’re disappointed in him there’s nothing we can do about that.


No it’s wrong to be gay while you’re a Senator in the Republican party and you deserve to be punished for that last thing any way we can punish you… and we need to not clutch our pearls about how and where we find our opportunities.

Feeding the guy who helps create the zombie virus to the zombies is not only fine it’s pleasurable and to be enjoyed without any guilt.

Like this isn’t a cause to be unhappy it’s ‘lol double point multiplier’.

Just out of curiosity, was this allegation about Graham surprising to most of you? It’s been a pretty openly discussed thing in gay DC for years, and I thought it was always the subtext of the, “why did Linsey suddenly become an attack dog for Trump after they went golfing together a few times” stories, so I’m surprised that it is popping off now. But maybe this is the first time that the story is really getting traction outside of the gay gossip circles?

Serious wtf. You need to think long and hard about what you are saying here. Attack his positions on LGBTQ+ issues all day. Don’t attack his being a member.