The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

I think this has already been posted, but this is the “official” version of what went down yesterday… Brave President walks outside the safety and security of the White House to survey the destruction of a beloved house of worship. Oh, and to thank the officers who helped restore order when a Democratic mayor failed. It’s disgusting, but it works.

If a machine can learn


Smile final


This is a big part of what the Right-wing propaganda /media machine thrives on, keeping their viewers selectively uninformed.

Not going to watch the clip of him with the bible again, but I thought it looked like he glanced at it, realized it was upside down, then did a quick calculus about what to do, and decided that turning it over would look worse than just holding it up and playing it off legit *. Just so stiff and fake, with so much insecurity showing out so clearly…

* Apologies to Ween for cooption of their lyric.

( twitter | raw text )


U.S. Press Freedom Tracker

211 total press freedom violations

• 33+ arrests
• 143 assaults (118 by police, 25 by others)
• 35 equipment/newsroom damage

Assault category breakdown:
• 49 physical attacks (31 by cops)
• 35 tear gassings
• 21 pepper sprayings
• 50 rubber bullet/projectiles

June 2, 2020


So awesome.

Your friend turned up…Ill post it in th GF thread


The State of Minnesota has filed a civil rights charge against the Minneapolis Police Department in relation to the death of George Floyd under the knee of a police officer on Memorial Day, the Associated Press reports.

The event of Floyd’s death, which was ruled a homicide by the medical examiner after his autopsy, has sparked fierce protests in Minneapolis and across the nation.

This news is breaking now, we’ll bring you more details in moments.

Mary Lahammer
Gov Walz announces “Today, the Minnesota Department of Human Rights will begin an investigation into the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) after filing a civil rights charge related to the death of George Floyd.“ #tptalmanac @tpt

June 2, 2020

The Guardian

Man, he is just a flat out moron. His response to the protests is to scream “SHUT UP.” Because telling a person with righteous outrage to calm down always works.

Getting kind of nervous. I don’t see this getting smaller soon. People are getting more and more outraged every time he fucks up the response.

With any luck he goes to Mar-A-Lago to chill with his friends and golf’s everyday.



I noticed that too and was unfamiliar with that utilization.

Sir, Macy’s is way overpriced!


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( twitter | raw text )

I would he know it was upside down by looking it. Pretty sure he is illiterate and upside Bible probably makes as much sense as right side up Bible.

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