The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Theoretically yes, but you would still need 2/3 of the Senate to agree that they are unqualified.

Good luck with that.

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Well shit, nevermind.

So due to lack of attention after Biden became a fait accompli I failed to switch my voter registration to D after switching to R in 2016 to vote against Donny Boy

So today I went. For President I wrote in Mittens. For every other office I wrote in Fuck Trump. For the party delegates I got to vote for 3 names so I wrote in

1 shame on you
2 first names that were listed
3 fuck Trump.

I hope someone vote counting is either amused or pissed off.

I was going to nominate fuck Trump for president but was worried that could be interpreted as a vote for Donny boy.


I want Donald Trump to be the Republican nominee for President for 2020, and the next 4 years after that, in perpetuity.

Really don’t know if he should be bragging about this, when under his criminal justice reform, his police can wantonly disregard the first amendment rights of hundreds of thousands of americans.

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I still can’t get over how bad that photo op was. All that tear gas and what-not to stand out there like a putz who can’t even grip a book with his cocktail weenie fingers. It was so so so bad. It’s actually bothering me how assholic that photo-op was. He looked like his goomar was telling him to pose for her Instagram account but he didn’t know what Instagram, books, or being a bipedal hominid were.


That’s a good idea until his rotting corpse wins in 2044

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Is that Fake Melania? Something looks off.

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Seriously she looks like a victim of domestic abuse.

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Oh great, he’s going to talk again.

The assholery is the whole point. His fans love that he’s a trolling bully. This is why all of these “Trump is a terrible person!” ads don’t work for the Dems. For Republicans, they’re really pro-Trump ads.


You have just placed an emergency call to 1-800-MEME-MACHINE

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His fans aren’t even aware. I briefly waded into right-wing twitter today, and it was all about how much of a tough guy he was for walking out on the streets while there were big bad protestors around. I think they legitimately saw it as a tough-guy move to go out there and are completely oblivious to the assholery necessary to make the photo op happen–they’ll never even see those videos.

It’s not even that. I’m not even talking about the tear gas and bullying. Just the photo-op by itself, in a vacuum, was just the worst look, even if everything was peaceful. I’ve seen 4-year old background actors figure out where and how to stand better than Trump.

I read the message like this:

“You’re gonna picket outside of where I live? Fine, you’re not gonna stop me from walking across the street to do a pointless photo op. Enjoy the gas, libtards.”

The whole point was he wanted to display that he was bigger and tougher than the protestors. A tiny, infantile, weak man. I rarely wish death on anyone but that combination of the speech, gassing the protestors, and the photo op really put me over the edge. I hope he dies a miserable, painful, lonely death.


Well Trump is literally incapable of standing like a normal human, so the photo op planners don’t exactly have a lot to work with.

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I would have loled if she tore up the bible like she did with trump’s speech


Speaker Sinead O’Connor