The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

I feel like I’m living in a westworld episode directed by Don Jnr.

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We are on a 4 day increase nationwide of the 7 day average for cases you bloated sack of shit. Wow Texas decided to take a Sunday off! You did it! Doing nothing! Fuck ya!!!

ETA- Of course as GB points out below it isn’t even remotely true lmao.

I don’t think that’s fair, and yet fair enough

Shit either the Hitler photo is photoshopped or Trump is intentionally doing this.

People who aren’t Hitler don’t hold books the way Trump does.


I just see it as, “guy unfamiliar with books holds book”

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Following up on Trump acting like Texas is some great success story. I’m sure this uptick the last few days is totally coincidental. Here is their daily new case/7 day rolling average graph:

Trump is so far removed from reality it is hardly believable even for him these days.


most recoveries isn’t the brag he thinks it is

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( twitter | raw text )
( twitter | raw text )

Does he not realize using two thousand troops so he can walk two hundred yards makes him look even more cowardly?

If he doesn’t realize that, we should let him know.

Don’t lose any sleep over the madman’s rantings. It’s an empty threat. There are no criminal domestic terrorist laws on the books and you certainly can’t arrest anyone for being anti fascist

Actually he spoke with Putin today and I absolutely think that call heavily influenced his insane behavior.


good point, the cops would step in and stop it if anyone tried

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There’s a slight difference between wishing Trump dies because of the destruction he is causing in this country and wishing AOC dies for wanting to go green energy.


I don’t want to have our admins explaining the nuance to the Secret Service. It’s not important enough to be worth the risk to this site.


Why do you think that has any chance of happening?

Dude the Federal government is a hollowed out trainwreck. Zero prominent white collar criminals or tax cheats have been prosecuted under Trump. Assuming there is some comprehensive and competent surveillance state under Trump seems like a stretch. Not to mention Clovis didn’t make any threats. Like not even close (source: Turturro from rounders in the spa didn’t rape Christy Turlington).