The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

I felt a great disturbance in the Force… as if millions of chuds cried out “It’s a republic” and were suddenly silenced.


November 3rd is the ballgame. Full stop.

LOL no, this is the US. It is extraordinary IMO.

To clarify: the ‘we’ was the County Board of Supervisors. Civilian control worked this one time.

The term is recent, but the race war meme has been going on since about 1954 when the civils rights movement starts making some progress. (Obv, you’re aware.)

The important thing is that Trump sat down with his political advisers over the last 48 hours to try to come up with a political “riot strategy” based on the analytics and what they came up with is, “Boss, no way we can pivot to the majority. What we need is for you to get every goddamn racist in 'Murica to turn out for you come Nov.”

They are drawing to butthurt bernie fans staying home. And butthurt Bernie fans are drawing to a police state because Biden isn’t liberal enough for them.

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Terrible take. The vast vast majority of Bernie supporters will be there in November to vote for Biden and against Trump. Especially where it matters.

They did last time certainly this time it won’t be any different. If anything more of them will vote Biden.


You can complain about the second part, but the first part is a very good take that is getting no play but will be emphasized more in the coming days. This is Trump’s reelection strategy, not an organic response to the protests. He has no strategy for the protests and even his reelection strategy is day to day. They literally told him to go out there and hold up a fucking Bible. He’s the chaos candidate. (Thanks Jeb!)

If Trump wins again it will be 400 judges and the Supreme Court.

biden’s doing a bit worse among bernie voters despite them being pretty solid friends rather than enemies like hillary in 16. Shouldn’t be as many sanders->trump voters though (aside from the open primaries, where I do know of a few trumpers that actually did (can’t imagine this was any meaningful to the general amount though). You’ve already seen that in this forum a bit where some people did vote hillary but have no interest in voting for any democrat at this point.

Voters are weird though 2006 had 13% mccain primary voters vote obama and 9% vice versa (where about literally no one voted clinton → trump in 16)

So far there’s more Trump->Biden than Clinton->Trump movers from 16 (yes the latter exists I know…). We’ll see if that holds.


I had forgotten R’s were all over being pro protestors in hong kong.


So like 3 people


“I’ve never fully realised before how a small mind, allied to unlimited ambition and without scruple, can destroy a country full of clever men. I’ve seen how frail is the structure of a civilisation before the onslaught of a gust of really bad breath! Yes… But I suppose you are not really the destroyer. No, we must look elsewhere for that. You are merely the putrefaction that spreads after death - the outward and visible sign of its presence! You’re a lesson in history to me, Sejanus, proving that, above all, mankind needs its sense of smell.”

—I, Claudius



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There’s a scene in I, Claudius where Emperor Caligula goes completely nuts and declares that he is a living god and then Claudius is overjoyed because surely now the Senate will see how crazy he is and depose him and restore the Republic. I think about that scene a lot.


Well, we could also have Mitch McConnell vote to remove from office!