The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

They can designate a crime domestic terrorism for investigative purposes (which probably gives more leeway to expedite searches without a warrant and so forth), but there is no law making a domestic terrorist act more punitive. And in case you weren’t being facetious about my 2nd point, it’s certainly allowed to not to be a fascist haha

This is only true from your relative perspective. The derps on their site would say they believe AOC is calling for the destruction of America and that Trump is the unifying voice. Is it ok for them to say they hope AOC dies?

It’s not illegal to say it but it is reprehensible. We all need to allow but shame that kind of speech every way we can on all platforms.

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Yes it is.

It’s not zero, and the value of Clovis screaming into the void is.

There is one thing that Trump cares about, and that’s Trump. It’s not likely, but it’s an unacceptable risk.


I gave myself a one week timeout on FB

I can post things on my own wall. If someone responds. Just like it. No retort.

Cannot reply to any post not my own. Only like.

I can’t keep going around in circles with people. It’s too stressful.


Even when they’re not in office or running for anything they’re still kissing his ass.

Ain’t gonna lie, lessor of two evils looks like a pretty considerable upgrade this week and hard to imagine Covid is going to cut dufushead any slack over the next month. Wonder if he can keep his stupid fucking mouth shut until end of June, seems <1% shot if I was a betting man.


Los Angeles nuked, democrats point fingers at Trump

what else is gonna be a NYT headline this year?

First hand account from one of the St John’s people who were ran off from their church. Getting lots of shares on FB, looks legit:


This is why you need to get people out on the streets. It’s an incredibly radicalizing experience where you are forced to confront uncomfortable truths that privilege often obfuscates.


big mistake to put any weight on laws and due process right now


Because most Christians are full of shit. The small percentage of decent ones will disown him.


5, 3, 1, 6, 2, 4


Well shit.

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  1. Only 4.
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