The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

How else was he going to get there. She is scum. She knew he was coming. Did she expect him to wade through protesters?


The Bishop? She 100% didn’t know he was coming.

i’m sorry for reminding the forum that sarah huckabee sanders exists. and i apologize for calling her fat. she’s clearly not fat. she’s a very normal healthy weight, she’s obviously at least one pound under whatever arbitrary cutoff for “fat enough to insult” there is. sorry.



The mechanism we’re depending on is that he gives an illegal order to a military unit and the order is not obeyed.


Is that what she said? Her statement says she didn’t know he was going to gas people to get there not that she didn’t know he was coming. Lol at the staff at a major church not realizing secret service were clearing the area right around the church for hours.

If somehow I am misunderstanding I apologize and retract but I think you guys are the ones misunderstanding.

I had the same reading that she didn’t know he was coming at all so went on a fact check.

She said she had not been given any notice that Trump would be visiting the church, and did not approve of the manner in which the area was secured for his appearance.

“No one knew this was happening,” Budde said of Trump’s visit, which she said she learned of by watching the news. “I don’t want President Trump speaking for St. John’s.”


I’ll admit I was wrong, take the L and move on. She isn’t scum and I shouldn’t have said that.


I mean what a fucking chump. How would any sane religious person not want to get far away from him after turning a church into his a personal symbol of his idoltry?

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Ah no worries about any of that mate. Just sharing information. We help each other.


So we’re fucked.

Narrator: Actually…yes

Well of course they wouldn’t. Otherwise they’d be breaking the law.


It’s a code word / meme for race war that’s been going around the Nazisphere lately.

Yeah, I also think he is wrong about the Insurrection Act too and I misread the Wiki. If a governor requests help then the Insurrection Act allows the president to send in the military. But, the president can also do it on his own. 41 invoked it during the Rodney King riots. I was confused because as a child I learned the Posse Comitatus act prevents the use of the military as police domestically. But, according to Wiki actions taken under the Insurrection Act are exempt from Posse Comitatus.

Ya. I am, I am sure like most of us, in a extemely heightened state of rage and sadness right now and can admit I am lashing out irrationally. Appreciate you posting what you did.


You, me and a lot of others tonight!