The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Tucker Carlson throwing Kushner under the bus now lollllolol

I bet the secret service has a back log of threat investigations that dwarf anything they ever seen. Plus Canadians go to bottom of pile.

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probably still not near the threats the last president had but definitely true on the investigations.

This is nuts. If my post was aimed at another forum member it should be blocked and I should be temp banned.

Aiming at trump is not the same in any way.


That’s a fair point.

I’ll admit it’s pure psychological release. I just feel like screaming into the fucking void at the top of my lungs and the best I can do right now is type fuck you to trump itt.

I’ll delete them.


today we learned not to make death threats against POTUS, tomorrow we hold bibles right side up?

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We also had our first curview here in Riverside CA, I think San Bernardino too. Kind of amazed. Small protests going on all around me. Fuck yeah

Gov Pritzker of Illinois was on MSNBC and said
a). Trump was on a “crazy rant” in that call with governors today
b). The Insurrection Act still needs a Governor to request the Feds to come in. Wiki agrees with the governor and says the act is to limit the President’s power.

Counterpoint: Nothing matters.

What is the precise mechanism by which he is stopped?

I report the news. You decide.

Didn’t he read Mein Kampe?

I decide that the governor of Illinois hasn’t been paying enough attention these past few years (and especially these past few months)

IMHO posts like these are worse than hoping for Trump to choke


protestors: we demand the police be less violent

trump: i hereby call upon the police to be more violent

tom cotton: paratroopers are in the air, sir just say the word and they’re jumping. they’re terrorists!

trump can’t let himself be outdone, he’s on course to call qanon into the streets. he’s kinda been flirting with it, i mean why did he say the second amendment thing today when he’s talking about bringing in the military? surely he doesn’t want citizens bringing guns into this when the military is being deployed with guns.

he spoke with putin the other day and i imagine putin saying, “ok you have to handle this situation the worst way possible or else i release all the kompromat.” and trump’s like, “no, please, i want to heal the country, stop making me do these things” and putin’s like, “no” lol


well, he’s the only gov firing back at trump atm, he’s also a billionaire who basically bought the primary and the state requires masks in public, etc. He could be the top gov in the country atm.

life is weird


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This almost restores my faith in humanity.

Wait, Nazi Barbie from Fox is hot? I don’t see it. Everything about her screams “Fake!”