The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Yeah the one thing I’m absolutely certain of is that we are thinking about saving the economy the entirely wrong way. Instead of figuring out how to protect huge entities that should be pretty well capitalized we should be worrying about ordinary people. Real small business owners are ordinary people.


After this, every restaurant you liked is gonna become a chipotle. 2 of my favorite bars have already closed. I’m just assuming most stuff will close before this is over.

Trying to do my part by ordering takeout from all my favorite restaurants but it kind of feels like using a squirt gun to combat a forest fire.

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idk about 20 years, but prednisone will knock off at least 5 to 10.

If you can’t get a scrip for that, there’s always meth.

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Seconded, but only if the Oxford comma is added.


2021: restaurants and airlines fail, kamala harris nationalizes both industries. big gvt now tells you what to eat and where to fly.

2022: transition to majority state-run capitalist economy

2023: transition to a classless society

2024: donald trump jr is elected potus on a campaign of making people pay for stuff that has recently become free to them, because dems couldn’t abolish the electoral college


I can’t possibly agree with this, you absolute caveman.

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In the last week, Trump has:

  1. Shouted over Biden for an entire debate.
  2. Failed to disavow white supremacists.
  3. Tested positive for COVID, hidden it, and become a super spreader.
  4. Pozzed 3 senators and tons of West Wing staffers.
  5. Been hospitalized.
  6. Risked the Secret Service agents to have a makeshift parade.
  7. Checked himself out and held a dictatorial photo op.
  8. Polled -16 nationally.
  9. Forced the quarantine of the entire Joint Chiefs.
  10. Blew up a highly popular stimulus deal and almost immediately knocked 2% off the S&P.

What’d I miss?


jcos are just quarantining out of caution because trump has been so reckless. not officially +

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Thanks, fixed that.

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What is going to stop these places from reopening post-covid? The undeniable fact is that we have far too many restaurants during covid. Throwing money at it doesn’t help unless you are willing to do it for years not months.

Giving them money in a year is smarter than giving it yo them now. Money now for the individual. Money in a year to restart the business.


I honestly think Harris should pull out of the VP debate at this point. Biden for any debates too. The other side has proven they have zero interest in keeping people safe, and then causing someone in the Biden campaign to get sick is one of the only chances they have at this point. I wouldn’t put it past Trump to purposely cough all over Biden on stage.

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Plexiglass barriers are almost certainly pure theater.


Nope, 99% sure all the ‘newest and best USA#1 treatments in the world’ are actually the very same treatments adminstered by our socialist NHS during the last 3 months - no guinea pig there

There is no “post covid”


Thought you’d slip that easter egg in there and no one would notice eh

We may have seen the last presidential or vice presidential debate. Ivanka/Don Jr. 2024 isn’t gonna have that shit.



Jesus if this is Trump flailing around because he thinks he’s going to lose, what the fuck does the lame duck period look like?