The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

A Biden landslide is the one chance we have to pull back from the edge of the abyss. I am cautiously optimistic about things for the first time in a long time. Feels good man.


Maybe Putin saw the writing on the wall and is just giving him marching orders for maximum destruction from now until then.


Donald Trump’s day in three acts.


Ok so Trump doesn’t know the current congress will be in session until January. What a genius he is.


Lots of drugs do this. They work great, until they don’t.


Just say you’ll do the entire sugar candy mountain house bill. Not saying it’s an unreasonable bill, I’m saying that like sugar candy mountain the plutocrats leading the Democratic Party would have never passed that bill if they thought it would become law.


Ty Burrell had this family legend that his great grandmother (I think) was African American. He went on the PBS Show - Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates Jr. (every episode is amazing btw) and they confirmed it

Not only that she somehow went from being born to a sharecropper to owning her own homestead in Oregon - something very few women did by themselves, and completely unheard of for black women. He cried. It was really cool.


This is incredible. This is what keeps me up at night, real talk. They’re actually going to try to do this.

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Am I being dumb or is this also a huge reason why Biden and other eDems might get on board to end the filibuster? Trump refuses to pass anything now and we know there will be some shithead R Senators who will filibuster anything if Biden wins and we take the Senate, so maybe this provides the motivation to end it.


next president’s problem lol

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This tweet is incorrect. The 13 people who worked the event are in quarantine per the restaurant’s request, not positive.


Guess I better buy a torch.

Yeah not sure what that even means. How are these restaurants gonna hang on another six months?

And the airline layoffs are upon us, that’s happening like imminently if the stimulus isn’t renewed.

Flamethrower would be more efficient.

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This article is kind of perplexing. Pence is still saying she can have a plaxiglass divider on her side. Seems like 12 ft, daily tests (lol), and a solid divider on her side should be good enough, no?

Airlines and the Aircraft industry as a whole are completely doomed until Covid is over. Let them go through bankruptcy and come out the other side without all of the debt.

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They’ll just take the money and lay people off anyway.


idk if they’re assuming restaurateurs have 6 months of business expenses saved up but every business owner i know sucks every dime out of their business on a monthly basis to pay for poker buyins and boats and stuff


He wants the divider on her side so he can mock her. I say let him, easiest clap back ever. Dude your president pozzed the whole team, bro.