The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.




The first national story raising questions about his conviction aired on Sean Hannity’s radio show in March 2014, seven months after he began serving his sentence. From prison, Lorance was about to become a poster boy for the failures of what Fox News called “Obama’s Rules of Engagement.” Over the next five years, Fox News — in particular, the hosts and their guests on Hannity and Fox & Friends — would discuss Lorance’s case in nearly 100 video segments, news articles, and opinion pieces. They would argue that “politically correct Rules of Engagement” cosseted the enemy and endangered American service members, who couldn’t fire their weapons for fear of being court-martialed. Clint Lorance was a victim, not a murderer. “He protects his troops … and then he gets 20 years in jail,” Hannity would declare to the more than 10 million listeners of his radio show. “Who would ever want to serve under conditions like that? You cannot win.”

What information did the president have as he considered pardoning Lorance, and who had provided it to him? Multiple senators and congressmen, briefed by United American Patriots, had lobbied him. Various Fox News personalities and guests had courted him over the airwaves (“I mean, that’s why we’re doing this on Fox,” Duncan Hunter said on Fox & Friends . “We know he watches this”). The story these elected officials and the network’s commentators presented was increasingly remote from the facts described in the court-martial.

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Marina Hyde kills it again. Best columnist of all time?

Once he’d wheezed through the unpleasantries, all that remained was to remove his mask and set about infecting any remaining staff yet to be exposed to his droplets. Think of Trump as the 83rd Airborne, parachuting his deadly particles deep into butlers’ respiratory systems. He won’t give you a Purple Heart, but he might give you purple lungs.

As the events of the past week show, the president’s respect for human life is so low that he is willing to send an entire army of servants into 14-day isolation or worse in order to keep up a steady stream of trans-fats being fed to him. Dying in the line of duty used to mean taking a bullet for the president; it could now involve taking him a Diet Coke. Thank you for your drinks service.

Face it, he’s absolutely bossing the likes of Kim and Xi and MBS in the fantasy evil-doer leagues. It’s not that the other guys don’t have lethal motorcades and abysmal interiors taste and balcony addresses and death cults and doctors who mislead the world. But doing them in a democracy – well, that makes it triple points.


She stay up all night thinking of that sick burn?

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It’s also just good fighting strategy. You have to be willing to set aside your ego. If you show up to the championship boxing match and your opponent is already punching themselves in the face, the last thing you should do is try to get a punch of your own in.

Tiny hand Don’s dick isn’t big enough for him to trip over. He’s tripping over his untied shoelaces that he refused to let the world leader in shoe tying tie for him, confident in his ability to be better and smarter than the experts.


Agree. I get a daily reading each morning from a recovery group for people who grew up in homes where addiction and/or extreme dysfunction were present. Today’s reading included:

We weren’t born with shame; it was instilled in us. We had no experience to measure or reject that shame when we were children, so we had to accept it. But who is keeping that shame alive in us today?

I think about Claudia’s videos and how people like KAC will say, “She’s sick. That’s just a cry for help.”

Then why are you shaming her instead of helping her?!!!??!!111!


This is undeniably true but the election is absolutely a referendum on Trump so she will have to take a line oriented around “you failed, you failed, you failed, and now you’re failing again”. I don’t want the Dems to make it about how Trump is a bad person (that doesn’t work) but they should make the case that the Trump admin are weak failures. That, uh, shouldn’t be hard with Pence.


Maybe, but talk about damning with faint praise!

I thought that was going to be this:




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What the fuck

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I hope the stupid fuck does it. Keep on digging Donnie, only you can make Amy McGrath a viable candidate for a national office.

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I agree with the meta

But fuck that guy. Hope she burns him to the ground.

Is this true? I can’t find it anywhere.