The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

I legit do not want Biden debating this walking nightmare of a disease vector in person and I hope to gods he has the good sense to refuse. “Trump may be an idiot but I’m sure as hell not, no thanks, go to Joe Biden dot com to read my plan.”

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He should show up in an actual space suit with an O2 tank.


It dovetails nicely with his healthcare message too.

Plus you can have the microphone inside the suit do voice changes so that he can sound like a transformer at will.

I’m being tongue in cheek because obviously Trump won’t be able to debate. He’s going to still have COVID and still be really obviously sick. Joe absolutely should make Donald cancel the debate. That’s why he’s not cancelling it.

This is what Donald actually does well… he gets other people to clean up his messes by being hugely negligent. He goes out and damn near intentionally gets COVID so our campaign has to tell everyone we’re cancelling and look weak? In what world is that how it’s supposed to go? The guy who caught COVID has to call in sick.

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I thought for sure this was going to be an appeal to go get your flu shot, and instead it’s an appeal to idiocy.


Me too. I was like, oh, he’s tweeting out we should get our flu shots. Ok, that’s good. But nope.


Kamala has pretty good chops when it comes to roasting people. Mike Pence probably won’t make any huge mistakes. Really, the Dems just need to avoid any major debate mishaps.

Obviously, Kampala’s strategy should be to drill into Trump’s COVID fuckups and also she should hammer away at healthcare.

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Yes KAC, your daughter is sick, very sick and not just with COVID. She is a mental wreck due to her parents. Watch her tiktoks she is 15 ffs. I know you don’t give two shits about anyone else’s kids, but you don’t give any shits about your own.


In that scenario I think so many hardcore trump supporters don’t vote that pence has no chance.

The Trump cultists are NOT going to view pence as a substitute and they will simply sit out until 2024.


She is in NJ. We have friends that have a shore house just a few blocks from the Conways shore house.

Will we see any “Are you ready to be President if Trump dies?” needles? Probably not.

We’re all eager to see Pence taken to school, but is Harris really a great debater? From the Dem primary my main memory is God awful scripted jokes that didnt land. This debate probably isn’t going to get much attention but I hope she is being coached to be a “prosecutor”, she comes across really strong when she does this and the Trump admin has a lot of crimes to answer for. Harris isn’t as at ease when she tries to be likeable and frankly attitudes towards women make it really hard to achieve that anyway (its not fair but its a real issue).


1v1 is so different. Raw intelligence should be a big edge.


Yeah good point. One terrible outcome of the crowded field nomination debates is that everyone needs to try to get noticed. So there’s a temptation to go for big “moments” instead of building a case for winning. This leads to attempts to launch lame catch phrases, attempts to get a big reaction from a joke, attempts to “take out” the frontrunner, etc.


Trump is historically unpopular and is tanking vs Biden in the polls. I think Kamala’s argument needs to be “Pence = Trump” as she ties Pence to as much of the Trump era as possible. If Trump dies, the true believers aboard the Trump Train won’t come out for Pence like they would for Trump–however, if Trump dies, there is a risk of low Dem turnout since the boogeyman is no more. She needs to make it clear that it’s not just Trump that we’re voting out.


The Biden campaign’s strategy is very clearly to avoid alienating anyone as Trump continues tripping over his dick. Kamala will be competent but restrained, and as unsatisfying as that will be it is probably the right move. Suburban morons want no part of a combative black woman.


I saw a couple of tweets from that Seattle environmental scientist that DVaut once roasted about how awesome his teenagers were and how so much shittiness is the result of having shitty, authoritarian-minded parents like all parents were in the 50s and 60s. And like all conservative parents continue to be.

I hope this is true and it makes a lot of sense.


I love that someone did Trump’s makeup before he left the hospital.

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