The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Covid is probably in the 0.5-1 range but it depends on testing.

Let say 60% for real herd (probably higher) and 0.5% ifr. (Probably higher)

330 million x .6 ~ 200 million x 0.05 = 1 million

That is the nut low end of the range. It’s easily really 1.5 x that.

Plus if we go for herd and immunity isn’t long lasting we are probably at 200k+ per year every effin year.


If he keeps this up, is there any chance Fox News bails on him? This is absolutely indefensible.

So far he is amplyfing Fox not the other way around.

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Isn’t this gonna get fake news’d by twitter?

I guess if you want respect from your fellow super villains, you need to try to kill as many people as you can on your way out the door.

Nah, thats loser talk. Trump and Fox viewers have superior genes and are safe from Covid, unlike effete limp wristed librul snowflakes.

Non-existent. Biden isn’t going to win the redder Big Ten states that Trump won by 8+% without also winning the purpler ones that Trump won by <1%.

Best I can do after that is flip VA/CO/NM/NV/NH, which is just silly.

Not sure which of the two threads this belongs in.

The growing coronavirus cluster linked to Donald Trump is sending ripples of intense anxiety among staff, journalists and officials who spend much of their time in the White House and into the wider city of Washington DC itself.

The West Wing has reportedly turned into a “ghost town” amid complaints that the White House has failed to trace potential contacts of Trump and his infected aides, with many now working from home even as the president exhorted Americans “not to be afraid of Covid”.

That has left behind a skeleton staff of about 100 of butlers, ushers, cleaners, custodians and maintenance workers, who are often older and drawn from groups at higher risk of developing severe symptoms of the virus, including a butler’s corp that has historically almost exclusively been black.

Lets not forget that Cohen is really really really stupid. LIke, he was the perfect patsy for Trump. I’m not saying we should like him, but man it’s hard not to pity him a little.


It’s pretty incredible how much Trump is doubling down on what appears to be a losing strategy. I guess he’s going all in on the SILENT MAJORITY.


I think Caffeine can correct me on this, but the thing with Blood O2 concentration is that you go from “fine” to “holy fuck” pretty quickly. There’s no real middle ground of “meh.”


Trump is one tough motherfucker. He probably uses the Tac Shaver.

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Read this three times before I realized you weren’t referring to not having had your morning coffee.


Jesus Christ, CPS needs to get involved in this. What state does she live in? Someone should forward that.

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Lol I feel I just got successfully target-marketed.

6ix: Let this evil empire crumble into the sea.

Biden campaign: I hear you, I see you, but… Here are a bunch of dogs in neckerchiefs.



Honestly, I think this is correct. If he’s losing Iowa & Ohio, he’s lost anyway. He has to pour his limited remaining resources into PA & FL and hope he can just win the others. It’s the same thing with Texas. The correct play would be for him to ignore it.

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Another reminder that I can “create” three (3) votes for the stupid potato with zero (0) chance of getting caught. So how about you assholes putting up or shutting up.

If you aren’t trying to talk me into doing such “creating”, you are doing orders of magnitude more “harm” than a random tweeting a bad thing about the stupid potato.

If not… grow the fuck up, assholes !!!1!


I would think they’re holding off because it would have gotten buried in the Trump COVID news, the same way the Melania tapes got buried.

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Genuinely curious … what is with the ‘!!!1!’?