The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Pulling the strings of the most useful idiot in history?


On top of this he only has one tactic - create chaos, blame others. Its amazing to see these attacks on Bidenā€™s agenda framed as ā€œvote for me or bad things will happenā€ in 2020, the year that has been the worst year of all our lives.

I think that someone has pointed out that he needs to add some positives (lol irony) but all he can do is keep saying heā€™s done more than any administration. He has no examples of course.


Lol no. Those outcomes are all in play. But by far the most likely outcome is he beats COVID, loses the election, and fucks off to his golden tower. His lawyers avoid all but the most minor financial penalties for his crimes. His financial house of cards may lose a level, but never fully collapses. Being a former POTUS is enough to grift 9 figures easy. He continues tweeting insanity and calling into Fox News to rant into his late 80s until his health finally catches up to him. His kids fade into relative obscurity because they lack the charisma to following in his steps.


I donā€™t really see this sort of limp-wristed red meat about (very) LATE TERM ABORTIONS and whatever bullshit doing anything other than making him look like a weirdo to any curios who are following his tweets for the first time. This infantile scare stuff is sort of by definition appealing to his base, like if youā€™re that convinced by President Trump just talking to you like youā€™re a child, youā€™re obviously already on Team Trump by now.


I know at least one person that should have been aborted post-birth, youā€™ll never guess who it is.


Trump looks like he is about to cry in the video where he announces he is leaving the hospital
( twitter | raw text )

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*golden shower


Holy fuck. I had to look at the date of this tweet 3 times. Just holy fuck.


Amazing. I was legitimately concerned that this COVID thing would help him. I should have realized how dumb and awful he is and that he would find a way to make himself look even worse on the issue that he polls worst on.


Standing requires a lot of leg strength for someone who weighs 300 lbs.


Politically speaking, I think Trump handled getting pozzed about the worst way possible. He completely foreclosed on any sympathy or tough campaigning decisions for Biden.

He has now put himself in a position where the best case scenario is that he made a quick recovery through an extraordinary standard of care. Heā€™s drawing very live to further complications and looking like a total fool.


And he is making the case of M4A for the libs. I truly think this is an opinion shifting event.


Posting this for later reference.

The writers already wrote this storyline in an episode of House, called The Tyrant.

Cliffs: the doctor did it

Thereā€™s maybe a couple non voters who could be energized by straight up lies about Dems murdering infants, but Trumpā€™s twitter is not the right vector for that. Maybe some religious media picks up the lie and runs with it if they get desperate. Who knows.

Jesus, Iā€™m assuming you tried topical steroids at some point?

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Lol the flu vaccine that is at best 50% effective due to the multiple strains, and I have no idea the % of people who get it but would bet on it being under 50. He really doesnā€™t get that COVID deaths would be in the millions without the lockdowns and mask mandates.


What a fucking moron.

Yeah - I also work from these basic facts (which I hope are roughly correct).

Catch Covid and death chance is 3-4%
Catch Flu and death chance <0.1%

and Covid is more contagious than Flu.