The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.


Honestly from several ads I saw over the weekend you’d think Bernie was our nominee.

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My sophomore year of college I was in a 7 person apartment. 4 Matts.

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They look worried, moreso than just for Trump.

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Did he really? Cliffs?

watevs is blocked by Doyle on twitter for calling out his support of concentration camps


how do you handle being nice to him (or others with similar views) at the tables? I imagine you have some live poker experience with him but i might be wrong. you don’t strike me as someone who’s good at hiding their feelings

My wife who three months ago claimed she wasn’t voting for Biden(was only going to vote downballot) because she didn’t like him and we live in Oklahoma is now spitting hot fire on social media on why everyone must vote for him. I don’t think any of this bullshit plays well with healthcare workers.



Oklahoma so it doesn’t matter and she rightfully thinks Biden sucks. She was mad about the primary as a Bernie voter. It’s just that sucking >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> insane monster.


Heather and Britney say “Hi” from the 1980s.

My old account which Jack nuked for being mean to Melanoma Trump was also blocked by Doyle

Same except for one person in my life. We saw each other two weeks ago. He offered me a Trump 2020 bumper sticker, which I obviously LOLed to his face. Mrs Cooler chimes in and asked for all of them, which he provided. I legit made the Jagssportsfan.gif face and arm wave. Later on at home she trashed them all and explained better to take and trash them than have them out in the wild. Jagsfan turned into Alonzo Mourning head nod gif.


Yup. I was born within about 5 years of 99% of the Brittanys that have ever existed. When we get old, that name’ll be like how we thing of, like, Gertrude or Blanche.

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It can’t play well. I bowl with a doctor who works with the health department and he said hospitalizations dropped not long after our county went with a mandatory mask order. Even with precautions, I can’t see how we don’t have major spikes over fall and winter, and this attitude that’s it’s no big deal and precautions are for losers is going to result in more chaos in hospitals nationwide.

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same, but am somewhat proud of myself for selecting non-deplorable people as friends before Trumpism was even a thing.

I did not have a single close friend since going back to high school that was a trump supporter. Just had to get rid of some acquaintances and that’s it.

You can really just tell. How big of a piece of shit someone is is a great predictor of how Trumpy they are. If only I could choose my family. I’m the only liberal in a sea of deplorables.


think I’m going to give up on the presidency threads, got 600 posts left in the two ago one and all 10k posts left in the last one, plus this one… cliffs on the last 10k posts on things not covered in the mainstream media?

Any news outlet that sends a reporter to 1600 Pennsylvania should be insta-sued.

Name discussion keeps making me think of


Just skip ahead. You won’t miss much as long as you have a general idea what has happened the last week.

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→ Jyz’n’me?