The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

I think we can all admit the president saved car companies in 2009.

Fk you for all the Native Americans that you fking killed! You…mother-f**kers!”

All the Black people, all the Iraqis. All the Afghan[s]. All the Vietnamese!


I said it already recently but they tried to hatch a plan to kidnap a governor already. That was over masks?




I turned your list into a gif


Today I’m sorta wondering if the GOP playing along with lots of post-election day counting would be smart. Give his supporters enough time to burn out through impatience and move on to outrage for something else.

lol I thought of this exact gif when I saw the initial post.


One of those rare gifs that gets a laugh every time. I appreciate you so generously leaving it for someone else to poast :+1:


They tried to run a campaign bus off the road yesterday. Next few months are going to be crazy.

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The “at this point” has got nothing to do with it. There are plenty of Christians who think Trump is horrible, largely base that view on their Christian beliefs, and think the Christians who do love him are confused and misguided.

The only thing Trump may have done is shown us there are more Christian hypocrites than one might think. But even that wasn’t exactly unknown.

Select * where YearsOfEmployment < 4

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I didn’t say I wasn’t worried about acts of terrorism from one or a few nutjobs. I said I wasn’t worried about mass civil unrest with the current Trump rally guys shooting in the streets.

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I think it’ll be in the middle. There definitely won’t be a huge coordinate attack but we will get a lot more than 1-2 nutjobs, but it won’t all be immediate.

Honestly I’m worried about long term as well. I see the next couple years having more terrorist attacks than the previous 30. Lots of uneducated white guys with no family and no future who have made this their life. And the rights outrage about the left isn’t going to go down, Tucker is going to turn it up to 11.

Like there are a ridiculous amount of legit crazy people who love Trump.

It’ll probably be incredibly destabilizing and led to a more horribly depressing police state.

Just thinking about it… FUCK.