The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.



I still think the chance for a lot of right wing violence to be high. These folks have tasted the sweet nectar of being in power and being allowed to be openly racist and violent with the support of government. If they decide to go occupy a college campus or a state house, who’s going to stop them? We might have 40 Malheur situations across the country at once, with the police and other law enforcement just standing by and watching.

I still think the trumpers have been itching for a reason to REALLY justify their violence, and a Trump loss on Tuesday will give them that reason.

You have to consider that a large portion of them truly, truly believe that the Bidens/Clintons/Liberals have a dozen sex slave kids locked up in their basement. That sounds like enough justification to start shooting people.

Regardless, and it sounds like most here are doing so - stock up for both civil unrest and Covid lockdowns.


Jesus. Beyond deplorable.


Dam Americans watching the Russian thugs roam around firing the Russian AK on the youtubes and think they can do that in there streets too.

I guess we’ll find out…


going to need to see the crosstabs on those N=30,000 and N=700 to determine if we should panic.

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lol wtf.

I think the best chance at reducing the threat of right wing violence in the next few decades is actually enacting policies that materially improve their day-to-day life, starting with healthcare. Of course, SCOTUS will probably find a way to block that and ensure that we continue to slide into a dystopian hell scape.


Come on guys, I’m sure Facebook will be actively monitoring the situation to nip any coordinated right-wing plots in the bud.


No. They are a persecuted minority. And God has sent this imperfect vessel to fight for them. And what a fighter! He has given them godly judges. It will be a relief when decent bakers won’t have to bake cakes for inter-racial couples. I mean homo couples.

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I wonder if they will fire him.

For apologizing.


One of the biggest block of dem voters are Christians. Are christian dems a fraud too, think we have one or two who post here?




The fuck???

Even I knew that without looking it up. And politics is nowhere near what I do for a living.


Jesus Christ, how is this possible. These people continue to amaze.

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it’s hilarious that “Russia Today” changed its name to RT and everyone laughed and said, “that’s not going to fool anybody, we all know it’s russia today”.

but here we are


What this and the prior comment suggest to me, which I’ve believed for a few years now, is that Christianity isn’t really a thing. The “doctrine” is just a way of organizing deeper human impulses at a particular moment in time. People know more or less what they want and “how the world works” and charismatic figures mold doctrine to suit the needs of the flock in a particular historical/social context.

This is where sam harris gets islam somewhat wrong. Sure the texts and its “strict” adherents are terrible, but that’s not islam. islam is, like Christianity, a way of organizing human experience in a particular context to meet various needs, which mostly want peace and stability and to make sense of the the world.


There are plenty of Christians doing good things. Groups like No More Deaths put their well being at risk to help others.