The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

I think people underestimate how hard it is to organize terrorism without drawing attention. BruceZ mentioned targeting Universities. How exactly to you plan a coordinated nationwide terrorist attack on 10 Universities without red flags coming up?

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I never said anything about a civil war. I posted pictures of the second worst terrorist attack the US has ever seen. There have been damn few incidents on that scale in history, and only a handful were domestically based.

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Yea, and i don’t see how becoming a domestic terrorist is going to further their cause.

See: Timothy Mac

Did you miss yesterday’s convoy?

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You are right we are drawing live to something like this for sure. Widespread though, I think the odds are pretty low.

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I’ve said numerous times there will be pockets of violence. I’m talking about organization at a national level to target Biden supporters.

Doesn’t history tell us that the most likely act of violence here is an assassination? McVeigh’s bomb was actually an outlier, that requires a lot of planning and skill. There’s deplorables with high powered rifles all over the US. How safe is Harris, really?

Ugh, I want to stop speculating about this its gross.

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His only “tactic” at this point is to convince people not to vote because he knows people hate him. Sad!

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Doing Trump supporter satire in 2020 is not funny. It is not possible it is funny given the reality of who real Trump supporters are.

I am going to have trouble labeling anyone a “comedian” whose bits include pretending like they are Trump supporters.

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The point is to show how batshit insane they are and that none of this is normal.

I imagine more of implicit collusion between individuals and small cells engaging in stochastic terrorism, independently inspired by organized rhetoric to blame specific groups and institutions such as young people and universities. The actions may not be organized from the top down in the way you are probably talking about, but I could see how a boogaloo movement often described as loosely organized could reach a consensus that colleges are to be counted as among their enemies.

Imagine someone writing a modern day Turner Diaries (November is National Novel Writing Month) built around the premise.

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The key that will be missing after [hopefully] a Biden win is state sponsorship. That Biden vehicle doesn’t get rammed if the police would have arrested him over it. And before you call in the sweet summer child account on me, yes the police at all levels overwhelmingly identify with the far right ideologically, but more important to them is the ability to put their boots on the necks of people without consequences, and they only get that by working for the state. There could be localized issues but anything large enough to attract national attention isn’t going to happen.

None of this applies to the lame duck period of course, that’s much more likely to get wild.

I don’t get it. How is it amusing or funny? They are just poorly cribbing reality. A dangerous reality where Trump supporters are threatening the lives of everyone else in multiple ways.

No I don’t get Trump supporter satire two days before the election. Honestly it has been off the table from the beginning.

The actual actions of trump supporters are way more ridiculous and absurd every day. I feel like some of you are not digesting enough trump supporter reality to think satire like this is anything other than stupid.

Maybe the next satire will have them pretending the opened fire on the Biden campaign with a machine gun. Really amp up the dumbness!

Are we really going hard in the paint defending people doing Trump supporter satire? Really? Maybe we can get more cool satire of s Trump supporter waving his positive Covid result test as he coughs on people in public? That would be great!

Here is the issue. Anything these satirists attempt to do has already been done better by actual Trump supporters.

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Trump is going to be actively stirring his supporters up if he loses. He will absolutely take it to another level when it comes to promoting violence and hate.

It’s funny to call them vanilla isis and all but there are going to be real problems. Not to mention Covid will be an absolute mess as steps are made to actually do something about it, Trump supporters will openly oppose more ferociously than ever before. Trump will lead hard into that.

A lot of them will believe their destiny and power was illegitimately taken from them if Biden wins. Even worse law enforcement supports all of this behavior and will continue to do so.

I keep saying trump supporters will crawl back in their holes after the election. That is partly wishful thinking. A lot will though. But a significant percentage of those remaining will want to spread violence and hate against all non trump supporters. And the police will literally hold their hand while they do it.

If they were smart they would go underground and be low key. But most of them are not on the smart side of the spectrum.

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What is “In Person Absentee Balloting”. Is that where you just drop it off at a collection box?
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