The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Speaking of Christianity

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Certain Christians. Iā€™m not religious at all and think its overall impact is bad, but there are definitely a lot of Christians who are lefties that spend a ton of time doing more good than any of us and actually believe the teachings of their doctorine.

But yeah the vast, vast majority is a grift. This girl i was seeing before Covid went to this church out here and it was fucking insanely massive. Like it blows you away how big it is.

This is the overview. Itā€™s like a bilionaires complex. I went there once to see her niece sing, itā€™s fucking crazy. Would be a nice place to hold up/fortify in the zombie apocalypse though.

ā€œpast onā€. The stupidity shines through even his most (fake) empathetic moments. And punctuating ā€œsincere condolencesā€ with an exclamation point. Classic.


To be clear Iā€™m not saying all Christians are grifters and frauds, just all Christianity. The good ones are good in spite of the doctrine, not because of it.


Connery was OK with men hitting women so no wonder Trump likes him.

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I really donā€™t get why so many here downplay how serious the potential violence might get. Most of us are old enough to have clear memories of the 90ā€™s. Itā€™s like some of yā€™all are actively suppressing them as a defense mechanism or something.

We are far more polarized now than when this happened. The same culture that produced McVeigh hasnā€™t just been festering over the past 25 years, it has been growing and radicalizing even further. A heavily armed, literal political terrorist convoy tried to run vehicles off the road yesterday, and nobody was even arrested.

Can we please retire this idea that all the angry white men are cowards who will back down?


That is certainly a factor. I wonder where the turning point is for them if the legal system ever start sending cops to jail for murdering people.

The closest analogy I can think of is the Los Zetas in Mexico. They were certainly being well paid as the enforcement division of the drug cartels, but eventually they went rogue and started taking over parts of Mexico so they could be explicitly in charge. Similarly in the US the cops all over the country are sitting on stockpiles of military grade weapons. If the system starts to turn against them some cops will see an opportunity to become a homegrown ISIS in the US - a big pension is nice, but for these ultra alpha males their literal heaven on earth is to be a warlord over a territory. The conditions are all there - they have the weapons to do it, and the captive zealot population to support them.

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his personal story about sean connery is about a personal favor in permitting some monstrosity that authorities were against. lol.


Because trying to ratchet up the panic about what is going to happen next week and next year doesnā€™t do anyone any god damned good. All this hysteria does is breed more hysteria and foment more violence against people we have no evidence are going to do anything other than they own guns and voted for Trump.


Thereā€™s a few decent documentarys on TV that document the chaos these dudes caused claiming there were the ones responsible for the dead bodies hanging from the bridge in that famous photo.

Some say thereā€™s a lot of these guys still in charge and that was the turning point to an actual police state in a lot of areas in Mexico.

Zero Zero Zero covers a lot of what was happening during that time, alough its a fictional doc it lines up pretty well with some of the journalists who reported on it.

Thatā€™s how I got into Joe Rogan(I know I know, silly me, I donā€™t watch him anymore and the last was Mike Tysons podcast) as he had on the journalist from the UK who travelled there during those times and covered a lot of it.
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There is pretty much nobody making anything even remotely close to credible threats of violence against Trump supporters, or encouraging anybody else to do so either.

But there seems to be a lot of people covering their ears because they donā€™t want to hear bad things. I suspect thereā€™s also a fair bit of projection in the claims that the MAGA crowd are too comfortable to do anything.

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Thereā€™s always gonna be crazies out there but you canā€™t organize something at a national level to attack universities without alerting the FBI or whatever. This idea that MAGA is gonna rally itself and start a 2nd Civil War because Trump lost is absurd. Trump winning is far more dangerous because it gives them carte blanche to do whatever they want. I mean yea, there will be pockets of violence but itā€™s not gonna be organized to attack tens of millions of people.


You may be right, its just that in 2020 with social media its never been easier to organize violence on a large scale. As soon as Patriots Defending America videos of violence start spreading on Facebook thereā€™s a chance it will really take off.