The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.
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Theyā€™re gonna be some sweet deplorable tears to swallow

Communists donā€™t call backboard.

Iā€™m old enough to remember when I got booed off 2p2 for suggesting cops were overpaid. The cool thing is when they retire on 80% of that for life.

There have been pension reforms. But anyone who started work before them is grandfathered in. Itā€™s going to take a long long time for the $300k for life overtime cops to work their way out of the system.

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Theyā€™re trying so hard to make Hunter Biden stick and nobodyā€™s buying it.

Of course if it was Chelsea Clinton then thereā€™d be a posse trying to find and arrest her.

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The coke or adderall will wear off and they wonā€™t remember that they did that for 3 straight weeks. Or not. I think Trump has a steady supply.

Put Trump in charge of managing cop pensions.

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Listen, I know itā€™s been discussed, but if Trump loses thereā€™s going to be a lot of bullets flying. These people are convinced that their America is ending with Biden and they arenā€™t just going to accept defeat and go about their lives. Some percentage of them are going to grab their guns and go to war against the ā€œsocialistsā€.

And when the bullets start flying, the cops arenā€™t going to do anything because most of them will be doing the shooting.

Seriously, if you have left leaning political signs, Iā€™d take them down if I were you. Iā€™d also start stocking up on enough supplies so you can stay in your home for a month or so.

If Biden loses, there will be protests, but nothing like what the trumpers will do if Trump loses.

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Again - I think Trump fans would happily cheer on us all being sent to the gulag. And they love to larp around with their guns and trucks. But as far as most of them actually taking to the streets and shooting? I donā€™t see it. Theyā€™ll have a big sad, then realize their cushy lives are still going to be exactly the same under Biden.

My biggest fear by infinity is what happens if they win, not what happens if they lose.


Yea but it goes back to money. I know a guy that is a Proud Boy. He talks a lot of shit on Facebook about what he will do if Biden wins. But hereā€™s the thing. He owns a business and employs 20 or 30 people. He ainā€™t giving that up just because Biden is president.

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I hope you guys are right, but I think those guys see this as an existential threat.

I mean, the bundyā€™s managed to get a couple of dozen people to show up in bumfuck oregon over grazing rights. You donā€™t think thereā€™s a ton more of them that are itching for a reason to go ham on a bunch of liberals?

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Yea but what can they do? You canā€™t identify a Biden supporter. And Iā€™m sure liberal congress members are well aware they can be a target if Biden wins. Iā€™m sure there will be random acts of violence but itā€™s not gonna be on a national scale.

The militia guys living out in the woods? Yes. The $70k truck guys? No way.