The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Exactly this. The Proud Boy I know was saying on Facebook he has over 500K rounds of ammo. Dude ain’t giving up his family business to go kill some liberals. He’s just gonna do what he’s done for years. Drink and shoot shit in the backyard on the weekends and bitch about libs.

I can’t even buy a bulk box of 250 shells. Dude is super stocked up.

500k is some dedication. Most of the gun nuts on chiefsplanet say they’re like 10-20k.

Yea he buys 1K rounds at a time from a cop that owns a weapons depot for $400. Says he has 556 cases. He buys a gun at least once a month.

It’s gonna be a hell of a show if his house ever catches on fire.


It’s a good think these militia types aren’t the sort to make a superficial judgment that a minority or a woman or someone who drives a Prius or someone who sets off their gaydar voted for Biden and is therefore a radical leftist.

So, I have this box of like 500 9mm target shells I got during first covid. Never even touched them and the box is still sealed.

But, I’ve been pheasant hunting already since with my shotgun. I literally don’t think about shit like that. These crazies rub their gun like it’s a penis


I am kind of surprised trump is stumping for republicans running.

I know he is not doing it, others are on his behalf, but he can not give two flips about any of them winning right now, especially in the face of him potentially losing.

There will be violence but I’m talking about organization at a national level and targeting millions of people.


He could try harder.


What about a decision to target demographics that are seen as contributing to a Trump loss. If the media hammers the idea that Trump was destroyed by young people and the college-educated, can you imagine a national campaign to target universities with violence?


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I think there’s a risk of this but I think it’ll be less widespread and less substantial than you described. Like the perceived threat is less immediate, it’s a couple months off, they have time to cool off a bit and wait and see.

It’s more likely to manifest as more (hopefully busted) plots against Dem politicians than widespread violence.

That said, there’s a chance and it’s not a bad idea to stockpile for that AND for covid.

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Craig McLean, NOAA’s acting chief scientist, emailed the new staff members in September asking them to acknowledge the agency’s rules on scientific conduct and code of ethics, which among other things requires that employees make decisions based on the science and without political influence.

According to The Times , Dr Erik Noble, NOAA chief of staff and former White House policy advisor, fired back: “Respectfully, by what authority are you sending this to me?”

Noble wrote the next day: “You no longer serve as the acting chief scientist for NOAA. Thank you for your service,” The Times reported.

In his place, Noble has hired Ryan Maue, a meteorologist and former adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute, a think-tank co-founded by billionaire Charles Koch, who has made a fortune in the fossil fuel industry.

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The Onion is really stepping up the creativity lately, and them imitating The Independent was a nice touch.

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Lol Ryan Maue is a Trumpkin that is routinely dunked on by the weather community. He’s terrified of Greta Thunburg. He’s also a dope for taking the job because he will be fired on 1/20/21 if Biden wins.

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I am just now realizing this, but Trump supporters seem dumb.