The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

It’s a cult, they are indoctrinated to parrot the same garbage verbatim.

Not a single one of these mouthbreathers has anything approaching an original thought.

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Obama doing his best Seinfeld impression.


Is rjoefish in contact with anyone at all now days?

No way man, they all just happen to be exactly as shitty at math as their fuhrer and somehow count 47 months between January 2016 and now. Dumb Donnie was just really ahead of the curve when he started saying it 43 months into his Presidency.

Anyone got a link to the Lincoln project add about the family trying to call the mom on a vent? Can’t find it.

Second quote isn’t me, not sure what your point is.

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There is a reason why politicians, ESPECIALLY, US Presidents try to reach out after an election. It is meant to broaden their support in hopes of eventually being re-elected.

We know trump turned his nose up at that from the beginning and has non stopped martingaled his support for four years. It amuses me, slightly, with all his last minute pleas which are absolutely only appealing to his most hardcore base.

I can’t even remember a time where he said anything legitimately to broaden his support. Sure he lies about healthcare but literally nobody believes him, not even his supporters.

You realize I’m not @anon38180840, right? I canvassed in 2016. Have not done so this year but have been volunteering in other ways.


My bad. I read it wrong and will delete it.

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BTW I forgot you said that. If you’re interested in canvassing in the 'burbs tomorrow or Tuesday, PM me. Gonna get drenched tomorrow, though. No pressure, I’m staying close to home for a reason on both days (football tomorrow night, election watching tues obv).


@anon38180840 likely does more than any UP member outside of maybe @skydiver8 when it comes to trying to save our country from fascism. Trying to attack him but accidentally using my apathetic canvassing record to do so is comically stupid.


I said I read it wrong and deleted it. jfc. Thinking I posted your post on purpose saying it was him is comically stupid.

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I may be able to on Tuesday. Will let you know.

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My answer would have been the same if it were Don Jr. or Eric.

That guy has serious brain damage.

I have decided that there is no chance trump wins because the show would be canceled and all the writers would lose their jobs.

Believing the writers have an iota of self preservation, the election will be a democratic romp.

Yes. It is literally the ONLY thing that matters right now. The rest of it can wait until Wednesday. Given the voter turnout it seems it is enough.

Redacted for privacy.


Yeah @PocketChads you’re a hero