The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.
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Do we?
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Anyone know if Trump was saying stuff like ā€œRed Wave coming!ā€ back in 2016? Seems like heā€™s just throwing shit at the wall and in denial.

He was in 2018 for sure when they lost a zillion House seats. Then claimed he was right because they gained a couple Senate seats in bigly red states.


I see Miller got hold of the Twitter account again

One people
One empire
One leader

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So I just went around dropping off voting information to Ds in Stewartstown, Pennsylvania todayā€¦ itā€™s insaneā€¦ and say that as someone who grew up in rural south Georgia ā€¦ itā€™s like Trumpism replaced religion in these placesā€¦ and religion was pretty big.

Anyway, understand how people who go to these places think Trump is a lock to win, hard for them to compute that they will, hopefully, get swamped in the cities/suburbs. What Trump is saying about the election is so, so, so dangerous because it will definitely feel true to them.


Fracking and laptops as a closing argument. Incredible.


Meanwhile on chiefsplanet:

Please consider this before casting your vote

My Wife and I cast our ballots a week or so back. Now, for those who are waiting for Tuesday - please consider President Trumps record (if you will):

President Trump said heā€™d cut taxes and he did. He said heā€™d reduce regulations and he did.

He said heā€™d build a roaring economy and he did. He said heā€™d get out of the Iran nuclear deal and he did.

President Trump said heā€™d put the U.S. Embassy in Israel in Jerusalem and he did. He said heā€™d build a wall on our southern border and he did. He said heā€™d bring hostages home and he did. He said heā€™d bring many of our troops home and he did. He said heā€™d defeat ISIS and he did.

The president said heā€™d win approval of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement on trade and he did. He said heā€™d put out a list of potential Supreme Court justices and he did. He said heā€™d choose Supreme Court justices from that list and he did ā€” and all three have been confirmed by the Senate.

While Democrats focused on their impeachment hoax, President Trump took early action to combat COVID-19. He cut off much of the travel from China, even when Democrats like former Vice President Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California opposed it.

The president built the worldā€™s leading coronavirus testing system from the ground up. He provided economic support to workers and businesses. He developed public-private partnerships to make ventilators and personal protective equipment for hospitals.

President Trump worked with companies to introduce new therapeutics and drugs to combat COVID-19. He held the World Health Organization accountable for lying to the American people. He started Operation Warp Speed to develop a vaccine. He paved the way for our nation, businesses and schools to safely reopen. And he brought back Big Ten football.

The great American comeback is already happening. A vaccine is coming soon. President Trump is leading the fight against COVID-19. Joe Biden has been hiding from it in his basement.

Another four years of the Trump administration will bring more promises made and more promises kept. In his next term, President Trump will cut taxes again. Heā€™ll keep reducing regulations. Heā€™ll keep building the border wall. Heā€™ll slash the national debt and deficit.

In addition, the president will continue to bring back American jobs from overseas. Heā€™ll support our law enforcement. Heā€™ll defend Second Amendment liberties. Heā€™ll protect our farmers, workers and teachers. Heā€™ll fix our broken health care and immigration systems. Heā€™ll lower drug costs. Heā€™ll renew American infrastructure. Heā€™ll negotiate more trade deals and peace agreements. Heā€™ll defeat COVID-19. And most importantly, heā€™ll fight for you.

President Trump works for the forgotten men and women of our country, not the D.C. swamp. Heā€™s done more in 47 months as president than Joe Biden has done in 47 years in office. The American people didnā€™t vote for President Trump because he was a career politician. They voted for him because they knew heā€™d keep his word, reject special interests, keep our neighborhoods safe, and Make America Great Again.

Trump will spend more, tax less, cut the deficit AND cut the debt?

Iā€™m sold.




This might be the scariest thing heā€™s ever Tweeted.


Does no one else find it odd that we donā€™t have an active Biden thread? If his lone appeal is that he is not Donald Trump, is that really going to be enough to get the job done next Tuesday?

Umm, heā€™s not president?

The Presidency of Joseph R. Biden: Lord Willing, Inshallah, One Time Dealer!


He needs to be president for there to be a thread about him?

I mean, you could start one, I guess. He has one now as a combatant in the POTUSBOWL. And you can be sure as shit there will be one criticizing the fuck out of him if weā€™re lucky enough for him to get elected. But what does he need a thread for now? Heā€™s unemployed!


Iā€™ve already got dibs on the Joe Biden is a terrible president list examples here thread

Elite gif