The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

I do recall now, I know I always hated them myself because there were so many of them. Sort of forgot about that as TrumpBot blasted off a gazillion endorsements and tried to be funny.

Doesn’t really excuse him essentially calling me a fraud, but whatever. I won’t lose any sleep over it. (I’ll lose sleep over everything else in the world instead.)

I don’t know how you could star in M.A.S.H. and not be liberal as hell. A conservative would implode just reading the script.

Decided to look him up and he made a statement two days ago :+1::+1::+1:

“Almost 63 million people voted for Donald Trump in 2016, but in 1983, more than 106 million people watched the last episode of M.A.S.H. So, it seems that by this president’s standard, I’m a bigger deal than he is.”

“We have to take care of one another, no matter what our politics are. I don’t take pleasure in the idea that the people most in danger are Trump’s staff and family and millions of followers."

“I’ve wondered what would tip me over into breaking my silence. Would it be Trump’s racism, his misogyny, his attack on the free press, his unspeakable cruelty to children — grabbing them from their parents and then forgetting to return them? Would it be the overt, brazen attempt to deprive people of their ability to vote, the right through which all other rights are guarded?” Alda wrote. “I’m outraged by all of these things, but what has finally done it for me is something even more fundamental: You can’t vote if you’re dead.”

He cited Trump’s January 2016 comment that, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK?”

“At this moment, we are all on Fifth Avenue,”


LOL at Republican ever saying that.

I think the best genre to classify The West Wing in is fantasy. Still a great show, though.

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anyone watch the WW reunion episode? i don’t know, it didn’t really give me all the feels. was hoping for more.

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Am I remembering the 90s incorrectly? In my West Wing nostalgia, I think back on loving that show because both sides of the aisle could watch it and think it represented the best a Republican or Democratic politician could be. But I was also regularly watching Fox News back then.

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I was engrossed by the production aspect. Such innovative staging.
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ahh yes, bring it on!

i would normally be doom and gloom right now ahead of tuesday, but i’ve decided if the unthinkable happened, i would regret not using these last four days for thinking positively and hopeful. the turnout numbers are very exciting. all that propaganda and ratfucking on their side, and they literally are still only looking to win a coin flip by ramming a handmaid of praise through the senate and destroying ballots in the middle of the night with live streams pointing at them. main takeaway is chaos helps them, so dems just need to stay focused on voting, and support FairFight in protests when the time comes.



Yea he’s definitely a liberal. There’s an episode about American GI’s getting Korean women pregnant and abandoning them. The children are abandoned and basically die if monks don’t raise them. They all try to get the kid back to the states and the Korean dude at the embassy points out the hypocrisy of the US government.

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Yeah it was cool, but it wasn’t as awesome as I expected. The acting wasn’t quite what I was hoping for from a lot of them, even though I know they’re really talented. Not sure how many of them are used to acting on stage in one take, and some of the pacing felt a little off.

It was also really strange seeing Leo portrayed by anyone other than John Spencer.

Agree with this. It was really interesting how they did it.

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If Trump keeps power, his base will not accept a lack of prosecution and jailing of his opponents during a second term.

I hope Obama, Clinton, etc are preparing to exit the country if Joe loses. I doubt they even realize how quickly it would get to that point, though.


Well, we know he’s alive at least
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Fuck it’s scary to think about that.