The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Right. You realized itā€™s messed up that small group of Washington insiders are bleeding this country dry. You realized you and your family could show them how itā€™s really done.



If the Airheads can launch a successful album debut from jail, I believe Trump can win re-election

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I donā€™t sleep much.

Whose high paying doner son is he?

AOC though

Shocked he didnā€™t blame globalists for poisoning the water. :roll_eyes:

Alan Alda says he made a pledge 37 years ago to never endorse political candidates, but work tirelessly on local causes. Or something like that. Heā€™s the original hyper-liberal commie-loving Hollywood soyboy.


? Is this a joke or some shitty dumb attack on one of our most dedicated members?


Just shut the fuck up.


Yeah if heā€™s legit attacking Curserounder based on nothingā€¦ I was against banning Inso and many others for just having shit opinions but attacking someone who is high risk out there knocking on doors doing just about everything he can to help save democracy.

Eat an entire bag of dicks and Iā€™d actually support that ban unless hes just drunk being an asshole and apologizes.


lol in before demands of his 2p2 name. ( I know itā€™s the same name.)

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On the left, the single American life saved, on the right, the 230,000+ lost. (You may need to zoom in to see the single pixel on the left.)


Iā€™ve literally said my private game is currently 2x a month, and I tend to mention when I mention donations that itā€™s a small amount, or when I mention volunteering that I donā€™t think I do nearly enough.

Iā€™m probably less apathetic and selfish than 95% of people in this country which still makes me a selfish apathetic disgrace of a human.

Thanks for pointing it out, I have a pretty good guess at where you rank on the scale of selfish, apathetic disgraces of humans on this planet too. Keep doing that really important work youā€™re doing sniping at people on the Internet for doing some, but not enough, good in the world.


Yup. That is why his lack of political identity in their document struck me funny.

Guy literally took over the most popular show on television in the 70s and used it to push many liberal ideals.

Not going to get too bent on fidget. We as of a community pretty much put the lid on fake trump tweets almost years ago.

Maybe CUSE does not remember that, and itā€™s not a huge deal. Perhaps we all could just drop this at this juncture.

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Alan Alda is definitely liberal. He interviewed RBG while in college. Heā€™s also extremely private. Not surprised he doesnā€™t talk politics.

Idk if Alda had anything to do with Vinickā€™s speech here, but I feel like itā€™s an authentic expression from Alda. Maybe heā€™s just a good actor.

Heā€™s a good actor. Heā€™s always been a lefty afaik.

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