The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

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But she was ugly ¯_(ツ)_/¯


That’s definitely who you’re bidding against at Evil Corp.

Just texted this out to friends. Awesome.

We got him?

This would be the day before the debate, two days after the SCOTUS COVID Palooza event.


Excellent nominee. The committee approves. Now do Alito and Thomas.

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I think the POTUS podium has security features.

Eh, she was weak relative to the rest of the first string. Kayleigh is being judged against her peers. Huckabeast’s peers included the recently departed head of Exxon Mobile who got out of the WH with impressive speed actually. Lasting that long in the first string is evidence that you were secretly a dead ender all along.

He’s shared it with CEOs and the COVID task force before, off the top of my head.

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I’m coming at this from two imagined perspectives.

The first is that for those doctors, I imagine myself thinking well what am I supposed to do? Just let him die? So they manage his care on the terms available to them.

The second is from an Al-Anon perspective. Imagine this. Your drunk spouse comes home yet again drunk and passes out on the floor next to the bed.

A lot of codependent spouses are going to get on the ground with them so their spouse doesn’t sleep alone (or more likely with Trump, wake up furious that you abandoned them on the floor).

Or they’ll exhaust themselves lifting their unconscious spouse into bed, who will then wake up and live life as though they took care of themselves. Or, in Trump’s case, the expectation that your magnificence means everyone should always be cleaning up after you. That’s the cost they pay to empower you to be magnificent. Which of course everyone benefits from.

And maybe they believe that. Some people are true Trump believers. But there are also a ton of people who believe in their own ability when it comes to helping Trump. Some believe in their talents as doctors, and some believe in their talents as that person who has managed another person’s dysfunction for so long that they believe they are uniquely suited to help guide Trump through his worst impulses.

These doctors and people like this aren’t awful and may otherwise be incredible at their job. But it’s sort of like that spouse who won’t stop drinking. They’re terrific. They’re kind, intelligent, reliable, but give them a single drink (a patient like Trump to focus on) and they turn into a person as dysfunctional and destructive as the person they’re hoping to treat.


How often does he share vs use his own? I thought they usually just share.

Good time to repost this?



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Yea I saw it last night. It was basically saying Trump is not fit to be president because a leader would have had a mask mandate back in March. Probably a dumb ad to play here.

Barr suddenly reversed course on not quarantining, despite claiming to be testing negative still… I have my doubts.


Not if she dies of Covid.

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She won’t. Very unlikely.

Breaking: two of McEnany’s deputies pozzed.

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