The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

This feels like a dam bursting.

It’s been one thing to work in the WH without internal precautions–but you otherwise trust that the WH is essentially a secure pod.

Now the lack of precautions shows that the WH has become a superspreader. People will be pissed. Some will talk. Some will walk. You have to be super crazy to want to die for this asshole.


I’m in the car listening to CNN on Sirius, they just reported it.



Sent this to my kid and he’s laughing his ass off at Melania’s santa hat.

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Are weigh reighleigh though?


Just walked by someone on the street who had this clip playing loudly from their phone. Wonder if it was an UP’er.


It wouldn’t surprise me if these clowns intentionally are trying to get herd immunity among themselves. They have access to top notch Healthcare in the first place and think the virus is an overreaction.

are these dipshits turning on each other?? popcorn dot jifff

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I do sometimes think about whether any of us have ever been close by and not realized it. IIRC a couple of UPers discovered they live close by and will meet up after the pandemic. Closest I’ve gotten is symbolically waving at @WichitaDM every time I go through Kansas.

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The jokes on you as I don’t even live in Kansas ;).


I mean OKC.

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Wave at jwax and a few others as well. I think at one point we had 4-5 in the area but I am not sure if that is true anymore.

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That would be pretty funny though lol. And I really do think about you every time I pass the exit for Wichita.

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There is never a strategy. They are not playing 3D chess. Occam’s Razor says they took no precautions and got COVID. The end. Plus, the pandemic is the issue which by far polls the worst for them, so I can’t see a strategy that centers around having COVID lead the news every day leading up to the election.


Exactly. They drank their own koolaid, didn’t wear masks around each other, so once Trump got it he became the super spreader and gave it to everyone else.

This is how much it can spread when people take basically no precautions around each other.


This is pretty much what everyone here has been hoping would happen since spring.

Not wishing to be ghoulish but it’s really the only win reasonable people have had all year.


And they are getting the full-blown China-N-Italy-NYC no masks megadose experience. Sad.

Assuming he fades the worst of the outcomes like we all expect, I feel like Trump is really between a rock and a hard place as far as his apparent recovery goes. He obviously wants to get back to the WH ASAP so he can go back to appearing to work hard and be awesome and whatever else. But I feel like the best case scenario for him given these first few days of illness is him being super fatigued and pretty short of breath for most if not all of the time until Election Day.

How does he handle this? The optics are terrible if he pretends he’s fine but has to cancel debates, rallies, etc. But you know damn well they won’t risk trotting him out there and having a Hillary moment where he passes out in public.