The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Kayleigh calling herself an essential worker tilted me.


Yes that’s why it’s great. Cut that into FB ads targeted at actual essential workers.


Maybe Biden can run ads saying, “are you guys watching this shit?”


Melania w Christmas hat on is perfect.

The man signs blank pieces of paper like nobody’s business.


Pretty sure the lush who had the job before her and held zero pressers in nine or so months on the job disproves this.


I generally agree that the best thing he can do right now is blast the electorate with as much sunshine and hope about how he’s going to turn it around ASAP after he wins. The contrast is great here. Best time for positive ads in the whole cycle probably. I’d definitely need a good reason to go negative considering. There will be plenty of time to go negative if/when he gets out of the hospital…

I mean he’s an honest to god super spreader. He’s going to kill at least one rich white person probably with his personal behavior. There’s a lot to work with here.

I gotta say… I think Kayleigh is the only Trump admin person who has a bright future career wise. She’s legitimately good at this job. There’s a ton of demand from evil organizations all over the world for her skillset. She’s the real life version of the protagonist from Thank You For Smoking IMO.

Now she’s actually gone out and caught COVID to prove her loyalty to whoever her paymaster is. She’s going to go really far and this is probably the highest profile job she’ll ever have to do.

That being said calling herself an essential employee is obviously a mistake… at the same time she’s going down swinging which will also play well with the audience she’s really communicating to.

If I owned an oil company I’d already be talking to her about her next gig.

I have, unfortunately, been hospitalized a lot of my life.

Even as a child, no doctor was ever going to feel like they had to “compromise” with me to make me stay in the hospital.

The problem is the face of Trump’s medical care is an absolute clown. I suspect the not horrible doctors involved find maneuvering this to be insanely difficult. So I question why they do it, is ig their own ego?

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Without the charm though. I agree that organizations will pay someone to be a full press BS PR person but can she actually convince anyone of anything? Being willing to lie publicly is a necessary but not sufficient condition to really excelling in that kind of role in the private sector.

There’s no one on earth more guaranteed a spot as a Fox News person than her.



Get fucked.


Too bad he hasn’t admired a single thing about you, Aaron. Or is it Evan? Or does he just call you “the stupid one”?


I think doctors are more arrogant than lawyers.

Is “Kayleigh” basically the female version of “Billy Bob”? Sounds like a pretty redneck name.


Joke’s already stale but



The truth is that both groups have wide distributions with plenty of overlap so its kind of pointless to debate. There are tons of lawyers less arrogant than the median doctor and vice versa.

The job certainly attracts lots of type A psychos

Huckabeast (come at me) was much better at the job than Nazi Barbie. I am still in awe like 3 years later. She was incredible. Absolutely zero shame, never broke character, fantastic liar, quick on her feet, the total package.

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