The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Not really concerned with Trump doing anything himself. But enough rage tweeting to his cult members about how the election was stolen and they need to do ‘something’ to get back their county will be enough to rile up some folks with guns to start letting the bullets fly.


Is it any more ridiculous than HER EMAILS.

If that is the case, then the next 2 months are going to be dark in all scenarios.

Every time I see “The cure can’t be worse than the problem” I’m just amazed that nobody has told him to correct it to “The cure can’t be worse than the disease”.

I guess it’s similar to the 1917 flu that he refuses to correct.

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It really could have if Rudy didn’t fuck up and ram it through the NY Post. If it was published by the WSJ other outlets probably would have picked it up.

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It is in the sense that Hillary was his actual opponent, and was a longtime public servant, and longtime public figure, and someone who had acquired haters for a variety of unrelated reasons. Nobody would recognize Hunter Biden if they saw him.


Yes, because Republicans have been setting up Hillary to be America’s arch-villain for like 30 years. No one is excited about locking up Hunter Biden. They didn’t put in any work to sell him as a heel.


Bunker baby will be in hiding until January when he will depart the WH for the MaGaLargo.

What Americans need to do is try to stop him nuking CA & NY before he goes because that’s 1 of the possibilities.

Twitter need to ban Bunker Baby to stop the Russians from tipping him over the edge.

Ffs don’t be painting his fence with Loser loser loser or be flying banners from trucks or anything… :grimacing:

And tbh the rest of the world is going to have a good shot a tipping him over if he loses because he’s been the biggest troll for 4 years, payback may not be worth it for American but with social media will you have that choice, me thinks not.


My Anecdote here in the liberal part of Ohio (Columbus) in one of the more liberal neighborhoods (Clintonville) I walk my dog for 1-2 hours a day all around. I think there are 6 trump signs I’ve noticed for sure, but we are talking tons of houses here, very densely populated. One is a Cop that has 2 as well as “Back the blue” signs. They either had signs stolen or took them down right after Breonna Taylor decision, but are back now.

At least a few others I remember from 16 when we were new to Ohio have them again this year. I’m positive there are less overall though. I’ve seen 3 houses that had Trump signs at one point that were either taken down or stolen, but not put back up. They have been w/o signs for at least a month now.

Needless to say lots of Biden signs as well as local elections and BLM. Some republican Judges and congress that don’t have Trump.

( twitter | raw text )

I believe that’s the strategy since they are all in on it now, but 60 Minutes bro. This wasn’t a debate. This was a powerful way to shut down anyone who doesn’t already believe it.

A recent poll (lol YouGov) shows that even people who believe the story has credibility think the Trumps are vastly more corrupt.

The problem for the president is that by an 11-point margin, independents also say Trump and his family are more “corrupt” (50 percent) than Biden and his family (39 percent) — a view shared by the majority of registered voters (53 percent to 39 percent).

Biden’s lead has only continued to increase.

The whole thing is a loser for them already. If this is their strategy, go for it. I suspect Trump has a hand in this, though, and once he’s gone, Fox will revert to far more tan absurdities.

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The Trump family are going to be massive national security risks until they die, aren’t they? Like do we trust any of them not to sell state secrets? I think there’s a real conversation to be had that aggressive investigation and subsequent detention is the only way to keep America safe from these assholes in the long-term.


I gotta be honest, I’ve spent countless hours reading politics stuff since 2015, hundreds of thousands of posts, and I still don’t know the first thing about what the Hillary email scandal actually is other than “she did the emails on her own server not the governments” or something.


Trump’s been rage tweeting since 3:30 AM and only until he sees a tweet by the GOP at 1:30 PM does he realize it’s his daughter’s birthday.


Acid washing and hammered her emails to bits with hammers.


congratulations, thats all there is, she used a private email server


Haven’t they been hammering away at the Hunter working for a foreign company board for a while now?

Or has my sense of time been 2020’d

Yes… Tbh its probably pure luck another TV star got elected to stop the BS… True story :sweat_smile:

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The Founding Fathers had nothing to do with the 25th Amendment. It was passed in the 1960s after Eisenhower had health issues and JFK was assassinated. The intention was clearly to have a constitutional basis for an acting president during a medical emergency, just in case there was a Soviet nuclear attack. I believe the 25th Amendment should only be used in the care of an incapacitated president, not an incompetent. Elections have consequences and people should have to deal with the effects of putting an idiot in office.