The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

I feel like Biden is going to have to work really, really hard, if he wins, during the lame duck period. He will need to be in front of cameras and pushing his plans constantly, in hopes of suppressing trump in the news cycle.

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I think the 25th Amendment could be justified in the case of a mentally-ill and highly disturbed narcissist refusing a peaceful transition and intent on causing chaos. National security shouldn’t just be a buzzword. Shouldn’t it mean something?


There are really important things like Warp Speed and another round of stimulus that shouldn’t wait. I suspect that Pence and some cabinet members are absolutely gaming out how irresonsible Trump has to be to invoke the 25th.


Legitimately great ad.

I‘d add that the server wasn’t properly secured and potentially leaked sensitive information to adversaries. Most importantly the reason she used the server was to dodge oversight and document preservation laws.


I am hoping we can start a new tradition where when a new president is elected there is a ceremony where they burn the outgoing president’s Oval Office drapes.

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Lol, you sweet summer child.


also i think someone said above, the big differences are 1) Hunter is not his opponent, 2) theres no proof Joe ever did anything wrong, 3) Hillary actually did something wrong, regardless of how big or little it was, 4) 30 years of hate towards hillary, 5) shes a woman etc etc. You had to be dumb to think this would land the same way, and when the comey thing came out, the emails had already been a topic forever, it just put them back in the forefront one last time right before the election. No one had ever heard of this hunter biden shit before now.


So damn infuriating.

Everyone here probably knows this but that clip is him hugging the son of one of the staff at Parkland that was killed. Just more fucking Alex Jones level stuff. Talking shit related to school shooting-related things really sends my lawnmower out there.


Anyone think Russia will release the pee tapes after Trump loses?

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Legit fucking chills. Teared up at the kid with the resist headband and the little girl holding up the resistance fist.

Damn that’s good stuff.


Yeah because if there’s one thing we’ve learned since 2016 it’s that Republican’s are super concerned about stuff like that.


That’s because projection is a fucking disease in that community and if you ever got your hands on one of their hard drives, your eyes would be immediately infected with aids.

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It’s also so similar to their play in 2016 that people are like lol didn’t we already see this episode??

But it’s worse than that. It’s like they did another shot-for-shot remake of Psycho, except instead of Janet dying in the shower, we find out gasp she didn’t rinse and repeat!!!

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Do we know what the last administration that didn’t have at least 1 private server in operation was?

No, they’d lose leverage with future leaders. Bring some future leader in, show them your compromat, then show them Trump’s pee tape and say “See, he played ball and we kept our word.”

If there’s one thing Russians do well it’s play the long game. Unless Trump openly shuns them somehow.

Assuming the pee tapes exist. I used to think it didn’t. But Rudy was ready to get peed on at the drop of a hat. So who the hell knows

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It does mean something. It means that we must always be bombing brown people somewhere.

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He sees the writing on the wall and will be holed up rage tweeting.


mcenany said it was going to be 5! they are not even remotely doing the amount of pandering they were promising!

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