The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Ratings/advertising don’t matter that much to cable channels. They earn most of their money from carriage fees they charge cable providers. If you subscribe to cable part of the money is going to NewsCorp, like it or not.

I’ve haven’t seen a single Trump sign or dumb cop flag in or around my neighborhood but I’m in a district that is like 80% D voters

Dear Fatboy8,

When I was a yute in the 1970s we attempted to switch over the metric system. As a young school child I was being taught both systems. Apparently the adults found this to be too much, and one day it was magically scrapped, never to be spoken of again.


Maybe they’ll try again in the 2070s?

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Give them an an inch…


Kamala is making an appearance at a Church close to me in about 30 minutes (in Fort Worth). The deplorables are out in force but the police are actually dispersing them (tarrant county sheriff).

Facebook live feed of the goings on. Pretty civil but just in case anyone is really, really, really, really, bored.

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I would say we have less than 50% of the Trump signs around town than we had in 2016. But the guy with the house on my corner has them all over his yard. I gave that guy some help with his landscaping when he moved in 10 years ago, but now he’s dead to me.


Pretty clear the forefathers weren’t considering the possibility of a lame-duck Trump somewhere down the road. If the 25th Amendment was ever to be a real consideration, this would be the time.


In Birmingham suburbs I’m not seeing very many trump signs at all, theres only 2 in my neighborhood that went up recently and very few if any on main roads anywhere. Theres an equal number of Doug Jones signs in my neighborhood as Trump. They don’t have Biden signs next to the Doug Jones but I imagine they’re voting Biden as well, not that it matters here.

Nearly every state counts ballots past Election Day. New York doesn’t finish counting mail-in ballots until the 10th. Hell it doesn’t start counting them until three days after Election Day.

If he gets blown out I think he’s just going to hole up in the White House, sulk, rage tweet, and do nothing else for the next 90 days (just like he has for the last four years). I’m not super concerned.


Jones is running ahead of Biden, not that that matters much either, becuase he’s not doing so by nearly a large enough margin.

And they’ll take a chain, furlong, mile and league


I think he’s a favorite to abscond with the resolute desk.

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At best, it’ll be like that situation at work where the shit has been hitting the fan all day and the place is in shambles, and you walk in the door and all your co-workers run away and say “okay its all yours now”.

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It’s your duty to remove fascist symbols whenever possible

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It’s incredible that they truly thought the Hunter Biden shit would upend the race.