The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

I assume the v mark also means he voted for himself.



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Oh my… well here is some of Rudy’s work in Borat2.

Dunno why I’m bothering reading this stuff, but more Iran hacking stuff, and more credulous reporting of things that just don’t make sense.

This time NBC news assures us that Trump administration has known for weeks that Iran, Russia hacked local governments, officials say.

Except the sum total of what these two sources have told them is:

The Trump administration has known for weeks that Iran and Russia had hacked local governments and obtained voter registration and other personal data, two U.S. intelligence officials told NBC News.

The two intelligence officials said that Iran’s intention wasn’t entirely clear but that one goal was to sow chaos and undermine confidence in the election. Both officials said it would hurt the Trump campaign if a white nationalist group was exposed as having sought to bully Democrats

So they’re now also linking Iran to an attack on local government stuff, that’s the only thing that could have been known weeks ago as the Proud Boys thing didn’t exist weeks ago. Except, linked in that very story is a several page alert on the local government stuff. In it the attacks are linked to one of the stupidly named hacking ‘actors’, Beserk Bear or Energetic Bear, which is one of those that we’re always told is Russian, not Iranian. Iran is not mentioned.

So either these officials are talking about something else that was known about Iranian hacking weeks ago (something that they give no details of), or they’re just talking deliberately loosely to give a false impression. One which NBC just wacks in its headline.

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no one who won miss universe would ever touch this guy


Disagree. If she had anything to do with that TV show her range is much wider than normal.


These are the REAL polls, WG. The silent majority is speaking!

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What? We got cats out here murdering 2.4 Billion birds per year? Damn!


Song birds are getting killed by cats, while birds of prey and migratory birds like ducks, geese, hawks, and eagles are getting killed by turbines. Also, 2.4 billion? How many birds are there in the US?


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( twitter | raw text )

This leaves out the best point. Wind turbines kill far fewer birds per kwh than fossil fuels. Wind power saves birds.

A 2009 study using U.S. and European data on bird deaths estimated the number of birds killed per unit of power generated by wind and fossil-fuel sources. It concluded that wind facilities are responsible for between 0.3 and 0.4 fatalities per gigawatt-hour of electricity, while fossil-fuel power power plants are responsible for 5.2 fatalities per gigawatt-hour.

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Is that real?

If we want to save birds we should ban cats, not windmills.


I saw that on Twitter and wondered the same. I’m guessing not, since it’s not spreading widely, and there all this purple fringing around Trump’s hands and podium that make it seem shopped.

So you’re telling me that house cats kill more than 1/3 the total number of birds that exist in the entire country every single year?

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