The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.


Oh I believe you, just think it’s nuts that’s the rule

Read this article.

When Pamela Jean Locke votes in November, one issue she’ll be thinking about is protections for Americans with pre-existing health problems.

“I think people should be able to have insurance even if they have pre-existing conditions,” said Ms. Locke, 59, who works in Jacksonville, Fla., as a children’s museum director. She recalls jumping from one plan to another before Obamacare, when her husband’s heart condition threatened to cut them off from coverage.

“I’ve heard from him that he would continue with pre-existing conditions so that people would not lose their health insurance,” she said. “It’s made a big difference with me and my husband.”

“I think he’s talked to enough families who have pre-existing conditions and wouldn’t have insurance, who wouldn’t be able to get the care they need,” Ms. Locke said, explaining why she thinks President Trump will make sure insurers can’t turn away sick patients.

The New York Times talked to a dozen voters who said President Trump would do a better job on pre-existing conditions, with the interviews focusing on why they held that view and how they came to it. Some felt the protections were important to them personally, either because of their conditions of those of immediate family members.

They cited remarks the president had been making, particularly at rallies, about continuing to ban insurers from turning away sick patients. “I had a choice to make very early on,” President Trump said at the debate. “We took away the individual mandate. We guaranteed pre-existing conditions.”

They often expressed disbelief that any politician would try to touch the popular provision.

“There is not a single guy or woman who would run for president that would make it so that pre-existing conditions wouldn’t be covered,” said Phil Bowman, a 59-year-old retiree in Linville, N.C. “Nobody would vote for him.”

In the Commonwealth Fund poll, 36 percent of Republican likely voters said protections for pre-existing conditions were a “very important factor” in their vote.

Some considered it important to themselves personally. Elaine, a voter in Georgia who asked to be identified by only her first name because of privacy concerns, has a son with schizophrenia.

“I would hate for him to ever be denied any type of medical care because of that going forward,” she said.

She isn’t a fan of Mr. Trump’s personality but feels his list of accomplishments in office is strong. She believes that, if given a second term in office, he would protect Americans like her son.

“I truly, in my heart of hearts, believe that even though he sometimes says things I don’t like, and acts in ways I wish he wouldn’t, I still think he has everybody’s best interest at heart,” she said. “I just cannot see him allowing for pre-existing conditions to come back.”


She isn’t a fan of Mr. Trump’s personality but feels his list of accomplishments in office is strong. She believes that, if given a second term in office, he would protect Americans like her son.

That line is hilarious. Complete bullshit. He has done impressively little in office but be an abrasive, racist, sexist manchild pig. All the voters are there for that repugnant behaviour because they crave being able to abuse all the libruls, minorities etc that are taking their jurbs.


I mean if you put me on the spot to explain what happened in the NHL playoffs, which I knew nothing about, I might come up with something like this.

Actually, I’d just say i don’t know anything and won’t be casting a vote for MVP.

One short block I walked down today had 6 pro-Biden and/or anti-Trump signs.

Unless they’re boomers or you moved to Mississippi, I’m not impressed.


They’re rich. Probably mostly boomers.

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Alrighty, then. Good stuff.

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It’s possibly he regularly takes Pepcid and is just continuing as usual.

Maybe they didn’t want to embarrass him.

I believe that’s 6’6, 218. He runs a 4.5 40 and if he weren’t president he’d be a first round pick for the Patriots, no doubt. He’s giving that up for all of us, you ingrateful commie!

Honestly, this should have been done in February for national security.


Watch a night of Fox News. Every program is 60 minutes of propaganda about how Trump spent the day working hard for the middle class and taking care of all of us because he loves us so much he gave up his businesses to bless America. If people just watch Fox they don’t get exposed to the mad king, and they get a straight up fairy tale… And they believe it.


Of course plenty are there for the racism too, but these morons who think he’s their champion and he’s fighting for their healthcare every day are probably just mainlining propaganda.

Murdoch GOAT I guess. Same in Australia with most newspapers and also SkyNews. COVID restrictions are essentially equated to the Uyghur concentration camps.

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Going to be a lot of faces being eaten when scotus strikes down Obamacare

And of course it’ll kick in while Biden is in office and Fox News will blame him and the Dems for socializing healthcare and thus taking it away from everyone. Cause that’s how socialism works.


I’m going to have to reconsider my stance on Uyghur concentration camps.

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They will gladly stay healthy by gnawing on the bloody shreds of flesh of their once-faces.

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