The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Yeah, I get that.

I’m suggesting that if Trump puts his foot down and insists on leaving prematurely, then Conley is going to have a motherfucking ICU built in the White House. Heck, it’s probably already in progress.

Even though they alluded to possibly releasing him, I’ll agree with those who believe he’s going to stay where he is for a few more days. He’s likely the most impatient patient imaginable.

I was popping Pepcids almost daily. Anything with a red sauce or any grease was giving me heartburn for about 3 years.

Then my ancient family doc I got here in PA told me to take a six week course of Nexium. Almost no problems unless I’m stupid and order some monster burger or the like.

Of course the same doc when I asked about help with anxiety literally tossed a mental health clinic pamphlet at me and basically just grunted “here”. I now see a female PA and much happier overall but give the dinosaur credit for my happy tummy.

I thought I saw somewhere that the Pepcid helps with higher aspirin doses?


I feel like the primary reason experimental drugs are used cautiously is due to concern of them causing side effects or complications. Sure there are some where it is just a case of limited resources, but I am going to lean towards the former being the more common reason.

Thus Trump ringing all these experimental bells conveys to me things might be fairly serious.

There’s a horse

In the hospital!


I think the only one of his treatments that was way out of the ordinary is the monoclonal abs.

Plenty of regular people have received the remdesivir and steroids. The other stuff is all fairly benign over-the-counter stuff that probably won’t make a ton of difference, but is unlikely to hurt.

I can’t wait for Trump to recover from this and then COVID patients all over the country are going to be demanding the antibodies that Trump got.


Wait a minute, placing pulmonary artery catheters is what now? Ha, no one floats swans these days unless you’re doing something extremely specific. I’ve literally never done one, or even seen one done.

This is the doctor/lawyer thread. Is pelosi one of those?

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Any y’all do painkiller injections for the ribs wo puncturing a lung? Might be an opening on the Chargers staff?


Ha I do some other ones but I do not do that one because it’s so easy to pop a lung.

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Maybe they can rip out Melania’s rose garden and put the ICU there.

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There is no fucking way he is going home tomorrow. I’d offer a bet on it, but I’m having hard time getting takers on most of these props.

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He is going to push real hard. Capturing audio of that would be priceless.


Trump is running the show at the hospital, so anything is possible.


I think y’all are underestimating his basic sense of self-preservation.

Sure he’ll make it seem like he wanted to go home but the deep state doctors kept him because they wanted him to appear weak. But at the end of the day if they tell him to stay because it will increase the chance of him living, then he will do it.

Speaking of Springsteen.

Lets loose here.


It’s literally in my scope of practice. Some of our cardiologist still like them, I probably see a patient with one every other week or so. Oddly enough I can’t place central lines, but my state is cool with me floating a swan through some poor bastards heart.