The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

We don’t even know that he’s really on these. It’s impossible to prove, and the administration’s credibility is absolutely zero.


Gonna need Dems to saturate the talk shows with jokes about how refreshing it is to not have Trump tweeting constantly and see if that enrages him into getting his phone back.

I kind of thought so too, but then again, why would they give it to Trump?

Conley may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but there is a large team making the decisions and they have access to the most current research and the foremost experts on everything. If they’re giving it to him, they must have decided it’s +EV.

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Yeah I love intubating, and whenever I’m in a code with one of our other RTs we spell each other on the bag so we can do compressions. Whichever of us gets the highest etCO2 reading wins dinner.


That’s going out pretty far on a limb. For all we know one of his inner circle morons recommended them, and perhaps the doctors think they won’t hurt so just give them to the big baby.

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This is also true. Although the incentive to lie about being on famotidine seems to be non-existent. Nevertheless, you’re not wrong.

Maybe he has heartburn?


This also could be the case. I think that if Trump was really going to insist on stuff, he’d be on hydroxychloroquine. Clearly someone said no to that.

I also think that Trump values self-preservation above all else. In private, he’ll do what the smart people tell him because he wants to live.

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I’ve almost said this a few times but how can someone that fat who eats McDonald’s not need some antacid already? Hiatal hernia surgery saved me and I’m not even (that) fat. Inb4 two different issues.

Possible. But he never had it before. In his annual physicals they mentioned meds he was on, and that wasn’t on the list.

Also I think the dexamethasone could increase the risk of those types of symptoms, but my understanding is that they use a different medication than famotidine in that case. And I think those ones are also better for heartburn, so if that’s all he had, he’d be on that instead.

Maybe caffeine can help us out with this.

Can’t wait to hear Trump’s doctor explaining the parade tomorrow.

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The dude runs so absurdly hot. How many 300 pound, McDonalds inhaling 74 year olds do you know? To say nothing of the prescription drug abuse and lack of exercise.


The have lab capabilities at the White House im sure. It’s basic stuff.

They brought him because they thought he might need the icu level care that they didn’t have at the white house

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He’s rich. Never underestimate how much your life can be prolonged with gold star personal health care.


Famotidine (Pepcid) has been looked at by a few different people for covid. Not much behind it, but there’s very little downside

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Yeah, it seems like it’s definitely this. Whatever was actually going on Friday he was doing badly enough that they thought he might need intensive care. There was an article where sources indicated he was basically told he could walk out Friday afternoon, or he could maybe be taken on a stretcher Saturday morning. I tend to believe that version.

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I’d be shocked if they didn’t have ICU level care available care at the White House when he gets back. I’m sure vents, and everything he could possibly need will be there if they release him from Walter Reed. I guess stuff like a CT scanner or something might not be there, but if he has a realistic need for that stuff, then they won’t let him out.

I was thinking about hobbes earlier. Really hope he is hanging in there.


There’s a difference between having some equipment to intubate and an ICU. Paramedics have that stuff too, but the level of care in an ICU is soooo much higher. Hell patients in the ER are transferred to the ICU ASAP because the level of care is higher

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