The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Me? I’m a respiratory therapist, so I don’t tell anyone to do anything. Docs generally are only doing procedures when it’s highly invasive. Think scalpels, intubations, major lines like central or arterial lines. Even then I can perform intubations and place arterial lines, some states allow nurses to place central lines. Lol, Placing pulmonary artery catheters is within my scope of practice (fuck no I would never do that). But yeah when things get bad I’m the one at the head of the bed breathing in all that nice aerosolize covid.

Edit. Docs do loads of shit, and it’s honestly better for them to have a 5000 ft view of patient care rather than getting involved in doing simple things like managing a nasal cannula.


Sometimes, in Trump world, things don’t make sense. Sometimes it really is just 15 wild boars running around shitting in everyone’s laundry. No rhyme or reason to it, just chaos.




Not just because it’s an IV drug but because it’s still basically experimental and there is usually some lab monitoring that goes with it. That said they might be comfortable enough with him at the White House under a doctor’s supervision if he really is improving that much. I’m dubious that he’s stable enough to leave if his oxygen has dropped several times over the weekend.


I guess. I mean maybe he is a dumb ass and trump did not tell him to say it. It just seems fishy.

Oh nice. There is a respiratory therapist at my work who I would want to both intubate me and do compressions on me if needed, dude is a straight up boss at that stuff.

Yeah, it’s meaningless whether he’s at the White House or Walter Reed, he’s still being medically supervised 24/7.

The lack of tweeting is really the most reliable data we have right now.


On the other hand, this would have been fucking boss. Esp if he was parachuting in a wheelchair.


Sorry if this is the wrong thread, but anyone know the line on Pelosi becoming president? With Pence campaigning for Trump it can’t be zero

(deleted because didn’t mean to reply to Trolly)

Yeah given what everybody says about symptoms he is definitely suffering from massive fatigue at the very least right now.

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Betfair has it at $500 in non-USA odds so what is that like +50000? Market is frozen however.

Basically, no… they’re all over the counter and probably just to improve his hospital stay.

Famotidine is also known as Pepcid, what it does is it stops the buildup of acid in the stomach to prevent ulcers and heartburn.

Vitamin D is just a vitamin supplement… turns out most people don’t get enough from their diet or get enough sunlight. Research isn’t clear on how much it helps, but it can’t hurt.

Zinc is supposed to help the immune system, like taking Cold-Eze lozenges right when you feel a cold coming on. Again, the research isn’t clear exactly how much it helps, but it might.

Melatonin is a sleep aid, I take it myself for working nights and sleeping days. Melatonin is a natural hormone made by the pineal gland in your brain, and it turns out that melatonin levels in the body are highest when you’re deepest asleep. So it turns out if you take melatonin orally at bedtime, it can help you fall asleep. Best of all, compared to other sleep aids, it’s not a sedative that knocks you out like Ambien, so it’s not habit forming. We offer it at my facility just to help people sleep because lots of people have a hard time getting rest in an unfamiliar hospital bed.

So those last 5 treatments in the list Trump’s getting is stuff anybody could pick up at any local pharmacy.



The first time I heard the name Tokyo Sexwale, I decided I absolutely had to have that as my online handle whenever possible. Unfortunately, I was way too late to the party as it was taken literally everywhere. I didn’t think to add the ‘h’, but it’s just not the same.



Make that a literal kitchen sink and I won’t complain.

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Yeah, I know. That’s why I was asking about stocking up on those specifically. Also, I wasn’t being totally serious. Half joking, I suppose.

I believe there is research on famotidine and melatonin having specific beneficial effects on COVID patients aside from the effects you listed. I haven’t read the studies myself, but if Trump is getting them, then someone pretty smart must think the risk-benefit ratio favors taking them.

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Is the tweet bot updated to this thread? It really is so fucking weird that he’s not tweeting. I mean, what else is there for him to do in his hospital suite?

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The famotodine thing was, I think, basically debunked. They thought early on that maybe it might have some positive effect, but it didn’t.

They probably took the phone away from him.

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