The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

I hope someone in Bidens camp is telling Biden he needs to question Trumps intelligence repeatedly while Trumps mic is muted. Best chance to give Trump a heart attack live on stage.


Honestly I kind of wonder why Biden didnā€™t agree to an independent 3rd party drug testing prior to the debate. At this point Iā€™m 100% convinced Trump is on uppers. Make Trump pull out.

I guess they probably want him on uppers to ramble insanely. But remember those speeches he gave to NATO I think where he was basically falling asleep mid speech and slurring? He sounded fucking awful off his drugs.

A list of people we shouldnā€™t listen to:

-All media
-The Left

A list of people we should listen to:

-Donald Trump


I mean, sure, heā€™s not entirely wrong. As laymen you canā€™t really know everything and a big part of ā€œknowingā€ stuff is knowing who to trust. I think we are better at figuring out who to trust.

This is a common refrain I hear from conservatives though: ā€œOne guy says one thing, but this other guy says something else. How can I know?ā€ This is just another version of their JAQ, they always choose the person with less expertise because that person says garbage stuff that the conservatives want to believe.

This tweet is like a standard conservative trap for us. Itā€™s true that trusting experts is fraught with potential problems. Itā€™s also true that there is no better option. And as always, thereā€™s a ton of projection here since the kinds of experts who lie for money and whatnot tend to be their own anointed ā€œexpertsā€ who were given that title fraudulently anyways.


I mean when one side is scientific consensus with like 97% of scientists and the other side is a bunch of guys with literal proof of being on the payroll of big oil itā€™s pretty fucking clear who to trust.

That isnā€™t just climate change either, their is a scientific consensus on the Rona too besides a handful of whacky hacks.

Pretty much all of the major issues are like that. Massive scientific consensus vs some dudes trying to sell you colloidal silver.

For certain complex issues with a lot of disagreement sure knowing who to trust can be hard, but when its 97% vs 3% its incredibly easy even for dumb fucks.


This is empirically not true. :smile:

true lol. in theory it isnā€™t difficult to know who to trust, in practice lolamericans. every other country have seemed to mostly figured it out. I guess thats what happens when you have unlimited spending on elections and hundreds of millions in propaganda and stupid people. I shouldnā€™t say all countries, Austrailia and UK getting owned too, fucking Murdoch man. Him, Rush, and Trump should be buried beneath some porta-potties outside a taco bell.

( twitter | raw text )

Blonde fox and friends host sounds like shes got the covid

No way Trump boycotts this debate. Heā€™ll accept the mute buttons because it gives him something to complain about.

Iā€™m also 100% legit scared about this debate for some reason.

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My wife was 10. To this day she thinks the USA should win just about every medal.

We all ate cheap that summer.

ā€œPastiesā€ in the UP of Michigan


Fleshlight tho

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Living in Wayne county there are a lot of Asians and middle eastern folks about. A lot are running for positions this election cycle.

If I donā€™t know much about either candidate and canā€™t find anything online and my choices are

Reginald P Drewbody


A minority

You know where Iā€™m voting.


Not watching but Saw that folks are likening it to on air debate prep.

As usual she just nails it.

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Shit, and I was waiting on part II of Justice. There goes my morning

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If anyone is near Roseville and wants a really good Pasty

Calumet Pasty Company is fantastic. Somewhere on 10 mile road.