The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

No idea how you’re doing that tbh.

Trump admitted to extorting Exxon Mobil today, NBD


Buying good ones instead of the cheap ones I’d guess.

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LED bulbs should last 50,000 hours. If you leave them on 24/7 they would last almost 6 years. Not sure how you are burning through them in 6 months.


You liberals and your fake news! He was clearly saying he could of he was corrupt, but he’s not. How dare you attack our president with such a vile lie!


Just locker room talk

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He also seemed to imply that his people do the extorting, but that if hypothetically he personally did the extorting he would be able to get much more money.

I started switching to LED about 10 years ago, and have been 100% LED for at least 6 years. In that time I’ve had to replace 1 bulb… that I smashed. There’s probably 30+ bulbs in my house and shop. I have no idea how you’re getting such high failure rates. Bad electrical supply maybe?


I’m not sure where I land on this one. What exactly has the federal government done to help lately? Like at all? Seems like they have decided to completely ignore Fauci, at which point it is way better for him to come out and go balls to the wall calling Trump out. If Trump wins again the suffering will be much, much worse than Fauci not being there for a few months.

If the federal government is still doing some good things then maybe I’m wrong.
( twitter | raw text )

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Sort of, though we disagree that the events up till now had no political consequence. There had been no unifying event like COVID. Ukraine/impeachment came the closest but of course was stonewalled by the GOP. Successfully, as you might point out, because Trump extorting another country had so little personal relevance to voters, even though it was blindingly obvious to all but his most deranged (current) supporters that his actions were corrupt and impeachable.

The weird thing here is that the GOP refusing to hold Trump accountable is partly why their gambit against the Bidens is now falling so flat. Either you didn’t care in the first place or understand de facto that if what Trump did wasn’t worth consequence, then this is even more absurd to care about.

Now back to my original claim, COVID became personal in a way that unified people against him. I’m saying there would likely have been some other event he fucked up in a way that unified people against him.

Perhaps our disagreement is in the likelihood of this event? I see it as an all but inevitability and would have been more surprised if an incident like COVID hadn’t happened to unity people against him.

A softer claim I’m willing to make is that the opposition has ALWAYS been there for him, and the galvanizing event isn’t actually COVID. It’s the election. Americans generally don’t feel invested or valued except every four years when voting for president. People have felt largely impotent and powerless to do more than try and live their lives and hope that their elected representatives took care of this clown.

Now we don’t have to wait. Now we can show up at the ballot box and be done with him.


Yes. Covid is a once in a century event. I have trouble coming up with any hypothetical equivalents that are as devastating and affect as many people directly.

No you’re right, and my claim is grounded by what I consider informed speculation but could easily just be speculation. Would he have gotten us into a horrific war? Incited an attack on American soil by a foreign entity and then stunned everyone (including Bush) when he fucked that up instead of cruising to re-election? I think both of those are well within the realm of stupid shit he would deliberately provoke, let alone the laundry list of cosmic accidents that might be a blip but he exaggerates into an existential crisis. It’s all good. Take it as a sign of my optimism that I now feel free to speculate on all of the various ways he was always going to lose LOL.

Who had Exxon denying paying a bribe to the president of the United States on their 2020 bingo?


They’re definitely worried about a Biden AG having cause for concern. What if they have to write a letter?!

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Not related to the discussion, but experts all seem to say we should be expecting more frequent pandemics in the future.

Ponied. I’d say once a decade.

Remember when Scott Adams supported Joe Biden for like an hour a couple weeks ago? Ahhh the good ol’ days.


The black swan is the Republicans. Not the outbreak.

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I don’t think this has ever happened to me on my Windows work PC. Just tell it to do upgrades in the middle of the night?

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