The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Agree w jman. I think he is better on the inside. He can ID all the miscreants after the election. Hopefully he has been getting advice or counsel and keeping copies of everything.

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I think it was Sloane at Chrysler? that came up with it. Had to write a paper on it back in 83 or 84.

Opposite the Ford model.

sloane is the right name, but he was running GM not Chrysler.

Lots of people don’t care about most something elses. It’s the (perceived) economy, jobs and stonks. By those metrics Trump crushed pre-Covid.
What else should they care about? Most persuadable voters were also spared the worst consequences of the Trump presidency. They don’t care about police violence because they are not black and their relatives weren’t deported or put in cages either.


Buddy of mine is a store manager for Verizon. I brought up the iPhones breaking talking point and he rolled his eyes and called me an idiot.

People still buy new PC’s? My laptop is like 8 years old. Last year I replaced the hard drive with an SSD and replaced the battery and it runs just as fast and as well as the new ones. I was able to upgrade it to Windows 10 with no issues.

Yes, I much prefer Windows shutting down my computer during work to force an up grade, that’s a great way to get an extra break. My Pop_os laptop has updates every time I start it up, granted I start it once or twice a week, but still, every time?

I don’t know. I get that there’s always a chance that Biden has a literal stroke on stage or something, but short of that, It seems really fucking likely that Trump will just be a raging asshole again and hurt himself a week before the election.


Trump will use every possible opportunity he can to mention Hunters laptop, child rape, quid pro quo, etc. If Biden isn’t heavily prepped to shut that down without making any gaffes, it could certainly have a net negative effect on Biden.

At this point, no debate and just letting Trump yell into his right wing void for another two weeks is the far lower variance route to take.


Trump spouted off gibberish like this at the last debate too though. LIke if the question is to Biden about COVID and Trump starts spouting off about a child porn conspiracy theory involving the bidens, and interrupts biden to do it, yeah I don’t think that’s helping Trump. The only people who eat that shit up are already voting for him.

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Biden wasn’t my first choice but he’s really winning me over with policies like these.


I don’t think so; it would have just been buried under more tomfoolery and madness! :face_with_monocle:

The worst planned obsolescence scenarios involve cheap products not expensive ones. Light bulbs, cheap plastic crap, basically the cheap low durability version of every product is an example of planned obsolescence gone horribly wrong.

Don’t get me wrong Apple is annoying about making you upgrade their products… but that’s got nothing on light bulbs imo.


I don’t know. My point is that Trump has made a daily–nay hourly attempt to find what thing he can fuck up so badly that everyone hates him. Congrats, it turned out to be COVID, but the guy was on a mission to make every catastrophe as personal to everyone as possible. I stand by my assertion while conceding that it wasn’t an inevitability. He could easily have run out of the clock until death.

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Win or lose, Trump will be President during the upcoming Christmas season. How’s Biden supposed to cancel it? I know it just the standard bullshit, but Trump needs to think it through a little better than this.

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…and the people answered loudly and clearly that they don’t care.

cf. approval rating

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I acknowledge what you’re saying but that doesn’t challenge my claim. I’m not sure what else I could add but you are missing my point or maybe just find it completely unpersuasive.

Light bulbs, LED’s, can last 20+ years…

Instead they last 6-12 months. Can last and do last… Very different things ime.

I‘ll try to better understand what you are saying. Is your point that (even though almost all things he messed up were of no consequence politically) sooner or later he was bound to mess something up that would actually resonate negatively with voters?

Mind never die that fast. Have some over ten.

Installed some in a gym about five years ago and dont think they have changed one yet. I’d have to ask the person who works there now. But they seem to last longer than the old bulbs.

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