The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Biden supported the Iraq war

Barbara Lee says hello.

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she’s turning into jeanine pirro rather rapidly. definitely dementia, declining cognitive function.

Wow, that is a really sad statement on how widely held the World Police role is by Americans.

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Right my bad I forgot she was the lone sane person.

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nothing polls that high these days

It’s easier to get there if you have some credibility and just lie about everything.

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See this is the thing, he is not doing good. More people will die because he hasn’t resigned and gone public on how badly this has been mishandled. Jesus he’d be on CNN and NBCN every fucking second of the day. He would be on all the major networks every fucking dinner time telling the great unwashed what a fucking shambles trump and his administration are. He is 70 for christ’s sake so it’s not as tho he need the fucking job anymore. Plus he’d earn a shitload more dumping on trump for the CNN’s of this world.

I was saving the world from the inside is a bullshit argument. He is just as bad as Kelly, Mattis and all the other c***s who have enabled this fucker to be a complete an utter fuck.

Umm how badly trump is handling it takes up 95% of every newscast and article written for 8 months. Hardly something being kept on the down low.

What could he say?



Planned obsolescence is fucking evil. It’s a great example of everything wrong with capitalism… and I say this as someone who is a capitalism apologist for this place.


He seems to be respected right?

How much more powerful would his voice be if he disavowed Trump. And of that 95% about 0.01% is Fauci disagreeing with Trump. As far as the general public are concerned when Trump dumps on Fauci it’s because Fauci gave him shit advice at that time. There is no nuance, there is no historical fact checking. It’s simply ‘oh Trump was misled by the scientists because oh yeah off course they don’t fucking know what they are doing’

Because most of them are button-clicking morons.

Biden running again in 2024 is inexcusable.

Yeah, naive capitalist theory assumes that a producer who acts against the consumer will always be punished by a more consumer focused competitor. Which will in fact happen sometimes, but is really not an effective control if the most evil producers capture huge market shares and establish fucking the customer as a culture / accepted business practice.



W TRUMP it can always be worse.

It is incredible how precisely Apple fucks up your user experience to get you to download the update or buy storage or whatever.

Related: I 100% believe iphones are designed to start breaking after a few years.


50 nights at $500 per at the Trump DC.

IMO, Biden should use any plausible excuse not to debate. Spoiler: Biden will debate.

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This is one of those things where consumers need to step up and buy better products than shit like this but they never do.