The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Him and his supporters perceive that as a strength.

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I think his pea brain thinks “foreign policy” = green light to spew all the Hunter Biden conspiracies

Also Jared may have convinced Trump his middle eastern adventures in corruption errr diplomacy are a winning issue


That and railing against immigrants and generally being racist and jingoist.


Yes, this is why the current topics are unfair. Trump would like to spend all of the next few days hunkering down, reviewing and preparing, so it makes sense that he’d like the foreign policy topics locked in sooner rather than later.

Just looking at who’s retweeting this… I think our boy Daniel Dale might have his most viral tweet ever on his hands!


Snap take the WAY OVER! :grin:

I mean they also dont want to talk about all the stuff trump sucks at like covid and healthcare.

Overall trump hasn’t started any new wars, and Biden supported the Iraq war. That’s kind of a win for trump. Trump could hammer joe on the Iraq war

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Here we go. For the next week any attack on Trump remotely related to corruption or lying will be met with “He was kidding out about Exxon!” from Trumpfans.

He’s a career scientist who’s entire life has been leading him to this one moment, leading the NIAIDs response to the worst plague in 100 years. He feels he can do more good staying in that position and I agree with him.


He did lead the response to the worst plague in 100 years but that was like 30 years ago.

Bold strategy cotton, let’s see if it pays off.

except apparently everyone named bin laden supports trump

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So did literally every single member of Congress who sat then. Hard to hit Biden too hard when he would be hitting dozens of republicans at the same time.

I assume this means you either think that was fine, or that you think Trump was a member of Congress. Either way, 0/10 for this vacuous defense of war crimes
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He’ll go down in history as a patsy

So obviously this. He doesn’t care about being called names by an idiot. He is doing obvious good.