The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Yeah all of the LEDS I buy that say shit like lasts for 20,000 hours end up dying after a year and less than 500 hours of use

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Have you actually bought any LED light bulbs? The LEDs themselves will absolutely last 20 years but the electrical bits that convert your home AC power to the DC power the LEDs need are flaky as hell.

Yea Iā€™ve had very mixed results from led bulbs. One particular brand/batch I bought on amazon has been terrible. Iā€™ve had 3-4 bulbs go bad in under a year.

Yeah dumb dumb democrats and CNN, why you so hellbent on suppressing voting!

Let republicans vote!

Biden has only canceled Christmas three times In his forty seven years of public service.

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Where are you buying your LED lightbulbs from? I bought a houseful of LED bulbs like 4 years ago off amazon and still havenā€™t had to replace one.

Last batch was from target I think. I need to look into this now.

It would be hilarious and slightly endearing if he was paying attention to the briefing before and after stopping it to order milkshakes. Like if Joe Biden stopped an intelligence briefing to order a milkshake and offer the briefers milkshakes, then said, ā€œAlright sorry about that, back to it,ā€ that would be awesome, because heā€™d then PAY ATTENTION to the rest of the briefingā€¦ which is why weā€™d never heard that story.

Plus it happened at Trumpā€™s club, and he probably charges like $20 a shake and charged it to the US taxpayer.

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That reminds me of something I saw today. Did the people on Gilliganā€™s Island listen to the Professor or the Millionaire?


Iā€™d say Iā€™ve put about maybe two thousand of them in between home and work.

The ones in my house have been going good for a longtime. You all must be buying the rock bottom price ones.

Tuna melts are like the nut low of food. Anyone who makes/eats one voluntarily is bad and should feel bad.

I think Fauci is hoping Biden wins and he can hit the ground running in January.


Tuna melts arenā€™t really a thing here but mornay is a nut low food also. Basically if someone puts cheese or white sauce with seafood the onus is on them to explain why they shouldnā€™t be executed.

Edit: Apparently you call tuna mornay ā€œtuna casseroleā€ there. Awful.


Itā€™s not a very good point because Apple hardware lasts a really long time. I have a ton of apple gear that works and is old.

Plus the provide software updates well beyond pretty much anyone else. The iPhone 6S still qualifies for the most recent software update. That is seven generations, and not something that most anyone else does.

I donā€™t argue with planned obsolescence but Apple may be the worst possible example to use.

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Are you guys sure thereā€™s not something wrong with your electrical boxes or something? Because as I posted, Iā€m like 4 years into a house full of generic brand LED bulbs with no issues ever, including dimmable LED bulbs.

The worst ones in my experience are the Cree bulbs from Home Depot, especially the 100W equivalent bulbs. They were expensive.

I never had problems with incandescents or CFLs.

God thatā€™s heartbreaking.

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Just checked my Amazon history. I bought a shit ton of these in 2016 and theyā€™re still going strong:

Edit: Soft white, not daylight. Daylight is terrible.

The girl is looking at her like, ā€œWHY CAN I SEE YOUR NOSE???ā€

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