The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.
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Smart move trying to appeal to the voters in NYC.


“People are tired of listening to Fauci and these idiots,” Trump said, baselessly suggesting that Fauci’s advice on how best to respond to the outbreak was so bad it would have led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands more people.

“And yet we keep him,” Trump continued. “Every day he goes on television, there’s always a bomb, but there’s a bigger bomb if you fire him. But Fauci is a disaster.”

He added, “He’s been there for 500 years.”

Trump also argued that the American people were no longer interested in taking precautions to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, even as the number of confirmed cases has been rising in a majority of states.

“People are tired of covid. I have the biggest rallies I’ve ever had. And we have covid. People are saying, ‘Whatever — just leave us alone,’ ” Trump said, adding that he gets large crowds because people are tired of public health restrictions. The virus has killed more than 219,000 Americans.

“I think Joe Biden has a scandal coming up that will make him almost an impotent candidate,” he said. “This scandal is so big. And the only thing he has going is he has a corrupt press who will not write about it.”

In closing, he offered some advice for his staffers, saying they need to “work their asses off.”

“You have two weeks,” he said. “Don’t listen to anybody. Don’t even read the papers.”

The outright, out loud, “Fuck it, I’m done with COVID, you’re on your own” strategy is certainly one way to go.


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Its called HERD IMMUNITY, its science!
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Dear Trump,
I know you are fucking trolling me right now,
but that was a minor league park and you fucking bounced it you fucking bloodclot.


What a dumb thing to suspend him over.

I did the exact same thing a few months ago. On a cal with 20 people and thought I logged off and took a piss. Everyone could see me. Luckily a wall blocked anything graphic.

My phone sure lit up fast with texts!!!


That’s right sir. Outspending you on tv ads by 25% while third parties for Biden outspend your third parties by 300%

Going to all these places during a pandemic are dumb and of little value so keep it up!

taking extra precautions and suspending him in case he’s a sex predator who flashes coworkers for thrills

A Dell lost a lot of weight recently. Maybe that is causing lackluster energy?

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What do you think would happen if you took your dick out and started jerking it in front of your computer camera?

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He’d scold people if they complained about his kink, ldo.


So countries can buy their way off the terror list? So very trumpy. How much does trump get in a direct kickback I wonder? Maybe 10%.

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Yeah I’m gonna join you on the limb and guess he didn’t whip it out for purposes of urination.

I can’t wait until Bongino is back working the milk jug game at the traveling carnival.


Dirty catholic like me.

I don’t understand why you had your dick out during a zoom call even if it was off camera.

Lololol Biden and commission should snap call, zero upside to participating.