The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.
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Lol so desperate for the laptop story to matter and it doesn’t

jfc, I was making a joke and pulled those names out of thin air. You don’t have to be insufferable every single time you post.


Wonder if bill bar disappeared because Hezbollah super shook that election wont be close enough to rig and he might end up in jail

Fauci should have resigned ages ago. He is being used and seems to be happy to be so. Or he is a really stupid ****. Either way the guy gets zero respect from me.

I have a laptop story that really matters. The only laptop I use sometimes is some old ass Dell Windows 8.1 thing. It only lasts for 40 minutes not plugged into an outlet, what the fuck is that all about it.


Disagree, Fauci is routinely shitting on the President including on 60 Minutes, which olds watch religiously. Also hes putting out good info and is basically the only credible voice currently in government.



We are going to have to agree to disagree. There are a lot more olds who don’t watch 60 minutes who nod sagely when Trump says ‘yeah but Fauci said masks were bad once’ and also just see him legitimizing Trumps response because they see that fucking ad.
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Looks like he spoke in front of LEOs on Friday, fwiw

Isn’t this by far the most likely scenario right now?


Yes. This is the baseline

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Of course because republicans don’t care about people

And if they lose the senate and the prez they aren’t going to pass a covid bill as their swan song

Replace the battery and you should get longer life away from the cord.


48 hours runs out today. The fact it is 2pm and there has been basically not even a hint of a deal between the WH and Dems means point 1 is pretty likely at this point. It isn’t clear to me that even if Mnuchin/Pelosi came to an agreement that we would have stimulus because you still hafta get Mitch on board.

Points 2-3 seem like a lock also. Trump will want things to be as bad as possible for Biden and unforunately he has a lot of control over that. The Senate Republicans aren’t for a sweeping stimulus bill anyways so once Trump is no longer leading the stimulus charge it is essentially over. As for this wave of Covid, who knows how bad it will be but all signs point to it being pretty bad.

I can see how Fauci is preventing some stuff from getting through. Remember how they waited until he was in surgery to change the CDC guidelines on the need to test asymptomatic people? I think there is some chance that Fauci’s presence has helped prevent the federal government from embracing an explicit herd immunity strategy. If true, is that worth allowing himself to be used?

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Fox is beating it like Bengazi, but the story just lacks juice amd any shred of credibility.

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