The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

If that’s the case and Biden doesn’t do much to excite dems, then he’ll be looking at some serious primary challengers in 2024, ala Carter/Kennedy.

A+ post but Biden is not worried about any 2024 challengers DUCY

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He’s busy calling scientists “idiots” and Fauci “a disaster”. Lifted his quote from a Daily Beast article.

“People are tired of COVID. I have these huge rallies. People are saying whatever. Just leave us alone. They’re tired of it. People are tired of hearing Fauci and all these idiots,”

Honestly not sure what Trump would do differently if he were trying to lose. Doubling down on the anti-science stance doesn’t seem to be a play that will attract support.

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I figure twitter/here will be screaming so much for someone to run against biden someone will. Huge variance in candidate quality for that though.

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if Trump was trying to lose he’d just come out and start admitting all the terrible shit he really did, he doesn’t actually give a shit about abortion (or is in favor of it whatever) and tell the people they were all conned and I’m rich because of you suckers.

He’d still get 35% of the vote insisting he’s just joking but he wouldn’t win.

I understand this thought and have had it a time or two myself, but I stand by the assertion that if it hadn’t been COVID, it would have been something else. Trump is monstrously incompetent and driven to sabotage every effort to establish competence and function. He thrives on CHAOS.

It was inevitable that a million awful decisions and brutal demonstrations of incompetence would result in the entire country falling apart as soon as ANY catastrophe hit us. I daresay he did all of this with COVID because he hoped for chaos and death, thinking it would make people submit and beg for his aid. He never guessed people would blame him.

( twitter | raw text )

Covid only matters because it affects everyone. The only other thing that would have done it would have been a massive economic crash and it’s clear that isn’t happening.

People dont give a shit about stuff that doesnt affect them. Like what else do you think could have done it? He fucked up a million other things and nobody cared because it didnt impact them.

( twitter | raw text )

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Fauci might be the single stupidest person for Trump to attack right now.

Whitmer seems dumber

Nah it’s Fauci. I hope he fires him as soon as possible. Then the guy can go out and talk freely.



I don’t doubt that Pete and Warren supporters would love this, because they have a child’s view of what politics should be. I do agree it would work better for them than trying to explain why they don’t want universal healthcare or free higher education
( twitter | raw text )

Looks kind of like every polling place in America the entire first week of early voting…

Drug Czar

Too soon?


Not soon enough! I second the motion to make Hunter Hunter Czar of all the drugs.

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I can come up with some persuasive hypotheticals if you like, but my general claim is that it’s wrong to think of this as a matter of rational and fair expectation.

How easy a layup should COVID have been? He actively made the situation worse. COVID is an obvious crisis, but he would have turned something far less obvious into an equally defining crisis.

He’s a time bomb. It hasn’t even been four years in politics and the guy has already self-detonated. The general population is extremely lucky that it took this long for his decisions to affect them with such horror, but again, I say it was always going to end like this. I’m just surprised it didn’t happen sooner.

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Yo @Narrator, narrate a narration for us