The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

This really is an absolutely nut low take. Like straight up bigoted. You really need to stop.

He has a disability for which the main symptom is difficulty articulating but you have decided, with all your medical training, that for Biden it’s not his stutter. He is just what, dumb?

Shall I post all the historical references to people with stutters being dumb?

So gross. Just straight up gross.


Are people still arguing with keedposts in 2020?


I mean, if you take that one clip in a vacuum, sure, but she’s got a body of work in this area.

Do stutters get worse with age? They don’t! Has Biden gotten worse? People can decide for themselves.

The Rupar thread has me wracking my brain for when Bartiromo transitioned from modestly-respected financial-news talking head to daily disseminator of GOP conspiracy theory propaganda. I can’t even remember…was it gradual or did she just show up one day and go full MAGA?

dlk already nailed it imo. He doesn’t have dementia. He has a stutter. He has declined normally for a 77 year old man with a stutter.


Modestly-respected financial news talking head is a pretty big tell.


Sure but the cognitive ability of a 77 year old man is a legitimate question. Same thing with Trump at 73. Deflecting all of those issues with “Biden has a stutter” is ridiculous.

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I agree with you on that to an extent. There is obviously a real question as to whether a healthy 77 year old in normal levels of decline is fit for one of the most important positions in the world.

His stumbles sometimes speaking should not be a reason though if he has a disability.

right, if you took 100 random people, wiped their brains of all knowledge of Trump and Biden, had them watch the two town halls from last week, and then rank them in terms of mental acuity, 99% of them would have Biden as sharper than Trump.


And that’s the proper counter! Trying to bend over backwards saying that how dare you attack poor old Joe Biden, don’t you know he has a crippling disability, well, that’s pretty counterproductive when he’s done so well with his public appearances lately.

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Is it ideal to have someone in his upper-70’s beginning a term as President? No. But is it apparent that Joe Biden can do the job? Yes.


yes but Lara Trump has, regardless, focused on Biden’s stutter repeatedly in the past.

And if you put Trump’s dick in your mouth, you have Scott Adams.

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Yeah I’m baffled a bit by this too. Seemed to be overnight my fuzzy memory seems to recall.

If he stuttered to the degree the poor kid in the DNC video does he would have never been a successful politician though. Maybe it’s not fair or right but it’s the truth. A huge part of his job is public speaking and communication, and it’s fair to judge him on his public speaking and communication skills. Just like it’s fair to play clips of Trump talking about Barron’s mastery of the cyber or how his physicist uncle told him about the terrific power of nuclear.

So is it inspiring that Biden overcame his stutter? Of course. It’s a nice story. But the implication of that is that he needed to overcome his stutter to have his political career, because of course he did. Which is obviously at tension with people trying to attribute any trouble he has communicating now to his stutter as if it’s not a fair criticism.

I’ve said this before, but the difference is that his administration will correct anything he misspeaks instead of animal farming it.



( twitter | raw text )

How come doesn’t seem to go anywhere? Is it just me? You’d think he’d have sites both with the J and without.