The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

For sure, but I don’t think he’s in the intersecting part (which is of course huge). Hard to say based on only that clip. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was.

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Yeah, American.

I remember in Oct. 2016 I was trying pretty hard to find a way that I could put serious money on BetFair without risking losing it in the process on getting on there or trying to take it out. I never came up with anything fooproof. Or at least below my risk tolerance.

I really miss the days of tradesports/intrade. Of course, I should be thankful they weren’t around in 2016. Extremely thankful.

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I blew basically my whole roll trying to pick up the free moniez in 2016.


well not 6 figures but you can get a decent amount down on predictit

Last I checked, predicit’s rake structure is terrible.

Still probably plenty of +EV spots, I suppose. Limit is 10k?

$850/wager $1700ish a market. (both sides of yes/no)

yes the rake is bad (only on winning wagers + cashout fees) but you can get 92 on NY republican NO right now, which even after cashout and rake is some profit.

unless it loses of course, then lol you and me and everyone here

There’s biden/VP/several other will biden wins markets/multiple pop vote markets and an electoral college one, so you can bet on biden to win the presidency or trump probably about 10k or so total I guess.

Maybe should wait till media starts up the hunter scandal idk.

What the fuck is grandpa babbling about?

Biden is down to -160 on Bovada $800 max, if you can bet Pinny too, they have Trump in PA +205, seems like free money combo. You can take D pres for -165 if you want Biden death insurance or to get another $825 in.

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Well right now he’s talking for 15 minutes about dishwashers, showers, and faucets that don’t work. Women come up to him all the time about the dishwashers.

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This -160 line is absolutely insane and, as you note, easily arbable.

I can conclude only that Bovada (known as the squarest sports book in existence) is populated by deplorable morons.

Trump is stuck because just like in 2016, he really doesn’t want to win. But he also doesn’t want to lose.

I’d be curious as to how much if any governing he will do in a second term, I mean he obviously did very little anyway but I imagine he wouldn’t meet any delegations, do any events other than pointless rallies or do anything much but for sitting in bed tweeting whenever someone mentions him.

He still has to go go NATO, G20 and such events and fucking hates it. Everything that isn’t a rally or time spent watching fox News bores him and he hates it. He will be way happier when he loses, which is the only downside to him losing.


I mean is he obligated to do even those events? I mean no protocol/procedure/law has stopped him before and I feel like his only motivation to do that first term was adoration from his base for going to events and spouting garbage. I guess he’ll still seek the adoration even without the re-election motivation because he is the most narcissistic person on earth. I’m also not in the camp that he has any interest in one of his children being the 2024 nomination, I think he couldn’t care less what happens if/after he steps down.

He isn’t joking when he says hes better looking than JFK or his beautiful hair needs better showers. This guy is truly very mentally ill.

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I’m not sure he hated it at first. At the beginning, he was going in as the leader of the most powerful country in the world. Now he is the idiot kid that all the cool kids make fun of.

I also agree with those who say he doesn’t have to go. If he hates it enough, he will just invent an excuse and not go.

I assume there are limits? If so, probably they set super attractive lines to get people to deposit money who otherwise wouldn’t hoping they stick around and lose it all at virtual blackjack or whatever.




Try to contradict = fact check.

Nicely played Rudy.


yes there are limits but I just assume it gets bet down by casual gamblers as they tend to be trumpers.